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Yes, You Can Homeschool Your Kids

Often times, I meet a mom who is frustrated at her kids and schooling systems but does not know what to do. Many parent  do not think they can home school their kids, some may think you need a special education degree or child development degree to start homeschooling. That is not true. Did you know many private schools have some teachers who do not have teacher’s degree also, but they are great teachers. So you can be too.

If you are new to homeschooling check out;

New to Homeschooling

Homeschooling Resources

Homeschooling curriculum Reviews

There are many myths and confusion about homeschooling out there, and I was one of them until I started to homeschool by 2 year old at home a few years ago. Now, I have learned a lot and this website is created for many parents such as you to show you yes, you can homeschool too. Please see our homeschooling tips and homeschooling faq articles;

If you still need further proof that you can homeschool your children, see these two videos created by HSLDA which stands for Home School Legal Defence Advocate. They are leading legal avenue for many US and International Homeschoolers to make sure you can legally and comfortably homeschool your child for your local state or country. After seeing these two videos, I can assure you you will see the way, many homeschooling parents will do. Good luck and if you have questions, ask away in comment section.

You Can Homeschool : Part 1

You can Homeschool : Part 2

Did that help? Any questions, ask in comment. Believe in yourself, You can home school, really!

Homeschooling tips

How To Answer Well Meaning People About Homeschooling

One of the dreaded thing do once you convince yourself, your spouse and children about homeschooling is answering to your well meaning family or friends about your decision. Homeschooling gets bad rap sometimes in news and other media that no wonder people are confused. While there are bad parents who may misuse homeschooling to hide their neglect and abuse, there are lot of good parents who homeschool their children for actually educating their children. It is same way there are lot of bad and good public school parents too. How you educate your child has personal choice, as long as they are learning, and have a well growing and social skills to grow in well adjusted adults.

How to Tell Friends and Family about Your Homeschooling Choice?

So, how do you answer questions from family and friends about your decision to homeschool without being judged and without argument and feeling guilt in either sides. Follow this 3 tips to share your decision about homeschooling that makes you and them feel good;

1. Tell them homeschooling is legal

Homeschooling is legal in America, Canada and many other countries. For more details see our homeschooling resources for individual state or country of your choice. Making sure what you doing is legal, will comfort your well meaning friends and family in your choice of homeschooling. If they need more convincing you can show them HSLDA website for official information for re-assurance.

Just make sure you follow the right process to register your private school, go through public school or private school independent study program or whatever specific process for your local state is. File those paper work in times, gather vaccinations or proper forms from your pediatrician and all requirements, attendance and proper records and grade for your child just to be in legal side.

2.  Tell Them Many historical and famous people were and are homeschooled

There has been many famous past presidents, novelists, scientists have been homeschooled. There are also current celebrities and famous intellectuals are homeschooling their kids in today’s world. Current president hopeful Rick Santorum believes and homeschools his kids, will smith’s kids are being homeschooled.

Read or send them our famous homeschoolers article to see how many famous, successful and smart people have done homeschooling and it worked for them and it will work for you and your children too.

3. College actually want Homeschoolers

One of the big problem many well wisher friends and family with homeschooling is that the child may not be able to go to prestigious college, or become a doctor or an engineer. Assure them that many ivy league and other colleges actually want and look for homeschooling graduates in thier colleges. Your child can become a doctor, president, engineer or whoever he/she wants to be even when he/she is homeschooled.

I have seen it personally many homeschooler really sought after in colleges, and some actually starting a college at earlier age such as 14 due to being already ahead in education. But you do not have to take my word for it, you can see article here for homeschooler really wanted by colleges or do search on yahoo yourself to share it with friends and families.

Answering Homeschooling Questions Help Sources:

But What About Socialization? Answering the Perpetual Home Schooling Question: A Review of the Literature

Homeschooling the Child with Autism: Answers to the Top Questions Parents and Professionals Ask

So – WHY Do You Homeschool?

Asking Questions, Finding Answers: A Parent’s Journey Through Homeschooling


Many well meaning friends and family question and concern may seem annoying but if you truly look it, they have child’s welfare at heart to make sure he or she is succeds in education and finds a good job or career to support himself or herself when adult. Once thier concerns are answered properly, they will see it homeschooling as choice in education just as you do. And having right support from friends and families is always better than not having any.

Homeschool Curriculum Homeschool News Homeschooling tips K12 Homeschooling

Online Charter Homeschool is Growing

There are more and more people are homeschooling through charter school and now online education charter school to teach their kids at home. Online schooling has many benefits and some issues. Not everyone agrees, if that is a good thing or not. As debate for online charter school increases among parents, only you can tell if it works for your and your family. We like many family, use some online class, some in classroom classes and some subjects are taught at home with right homeschooling curriculum.

 Source: NY Times

Half a million American children take classes online, with a significant group, like the Weldies, getting all their schooling from virtual public schools. The rapid growth of these schools has provoked debates in courtrooms and legislatures over money, as the schools compete with local districts for millions in public dollars, and over issues like whether online learning is appropriate for young children.

One of the sharpest debates has concerned the Weldies’ school in Wisconsin, where last week the backers of online education persuaded state lawmakers to keep it and 11 other virtual schools open despite a court ruling against them and the opposition of the teachers union. John Watson, a consultant in Colorado who does an annual survey of education that is based on the Internet, said events in Wisconsin followed the pattern in other states where online schools have proliferated fast.

“Somebody says, ‘What’s going on, does this make sense?’ ” Mr. Watson said. “And after some inquiry most states have said, ‘Yes, we like online learning, but these are such new ways of teaching children that we’ll need to change some regulations and get some more oversight.’ ”

Two models of online schooling predominate. In Florida, Illinois and half a dozen other states, growth has been driven by a state-led, state-financed virtual school that does not give a diploma but offers courses that supplement regular work at a traditional school. Generally, these schools enroll only middle and high school students.

At the Florida Virtual School, the largest Internet public school in the country, more than 50,000 students are taking courses this year. School authorities in Traverse City, Mich., hope to use online courses provided by the Michigan Virtual School next fall to educate several hundred students in their homes, alleviating a classroom shortage.

The other model is a full-time online charter school like the Wisconsin Virtual Academy. About 90,000 children get their education from one of 185 such schools nationwide. They are publicly financed, mostly elementary and middle schools.

Many parents attracted to online charters have previously home-schooled their children, including Mrs. Weldie. Her children — Isabel, Harry and Eleanor, all in elementary school — download assignments and communicate intermittently with their certified teachers over the Internet, but they also read story books, write in workbooks and do arithmetic at a table in their basement. Legally, they are considered public school students, not home-schoolers, because their online schools are taxpayer-financed and subject to federal testing requirements.

Despite enthusiastic support from parents, the schools have met with opposition from some educators, who say elementary students may be too young for Internet learning, and from teachers, unions and school boards, partly because they divert state payments from the online student’s home district.

Other opposition has arisen because many online charters contract with for-profit companies to provide their courses. The Wisconsin academy, for example, is run by the tiny Northern Ozaukee School District, north of Milwaukee, in close partnership with K12 Inc., which works with similar schools in 17 states.

The district receives annual state payments of $6,050 for each of its 800 students, which it uses to pay teachers and buy its online curriculum from K12.

Saying he suspected “corporate profiteering” in online schooling, State Senator John Lehman, a Democrat who is chairman of the education committee, last month proposed cutting the payments to virtual schools to $3,000 per student. But during legislative negotiations that proposal was dropped.

See source and full article here: NY Times

Online curriculum has its benefits and issues. Many homeschooler and public school teacher use combination of online curriculum to use 100% online schooling or supplement their educational process. If you choose online curriculum, make sure it is from reputable company with options to change curriculum choices just in case it does not work with your child’s learning style.

Check out:

Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning

Engaging the Online Learner: Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction

How do you educate your child at home?

Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

Mythbuster: How to Motivate Your Child To Learn


Education does not have be boring for anyone, otherwise learning does not happen!

All of us learn new things when we are having fun, and schooling is no different. Many Indian and other parents start teaching kids at home way before preschool age. When I teach or share knowledge with younger kids, they are like sponge, they absorb everything and naturally curious about things. Somehow many kids and adults lose that natural curiosity as we grow older and we focus on getting scores or passing instead of learning.

7 Ways to Motivate Learning:

Here are 7 ways I have found to motivate learning in a child (or an adult). These tips are written with homeschooling child in mind, but I am sure it will be applicable to public or private school going child as well. While, my experience is teaching younger kids, I hope these tips will work for teenager’s education as well.

1.  Do Not Compare:

Comparing your child with another child of same age might be tempting but it will not flourish the young mind. All kids and adults have unique talents and we all work at our own pace. It will not matter if 7 year friend’s child knows how to read piano music or 4 year old neighbor kids can ride bike without training wheel. Kids learn best when they are ready to learn. That is what Sadbury method or Jiddu Krishnamurthy methods have been working for many kids.

2. Competition Free Education:

We are always pitted against our peers to compete in many subjects since we are born. Schools and colleges are big examples for it with grades or being best student. There is no win win situation as there can be only ONE person who can be 1st, rest of kids may feel dejected. While healthy competition can bring out the best in some kids, in majority time, competition kills the enthusiasm, specially for someone who keeps being second best. Learning is a process and it should be treated as a result.

3.  Memorization is not Real Learning:

Many educational system may encourages memorization and while kids seems intelligent, most kids forget what they memorized during summer break. Any memorization without real understanding will not take deep root of understanding, and hence will not remember what they have learned tomorrow. I am one of these prime example of it as I do not recall what I have learned in my engineering classes but I do recall what I truly understood things and had interest in it. If you have passion for something, you will retain the knowledge much longer.

4. Rewards for Simple Tasks are not needed:

Our current educational system is quick to punish and quick to give rewards for small achievement. Many experts think they are actually hindering the learning process and I agree. Giving Physical reward is different then showing encouragement to a child. When a child is shown a reward of food or new toy, learning is not goal but finishing the task to get a reward becomes the main goal and learning stop. Our mind is like a parachute, it works only when it is open. Child should learn something because there is an interest in it, not because of the reward.

5. Do not blame child for failing:

When a child has failed in learning new concept or old one, do not blame him or her. Do not even blame system. Try to find out the root cause of the failed issue. You may want to step back and take a break or see it from new perspective. Sometimes, child may have certain way to learning style that may be different from teacher’s teaching style. We all learn different way such as some learn better by visually seeing, some learn best for listening the step by step process and some of us learn best by actually trying our hands on it. Find out your child’s learning style. There might be some other issues or simple things that may make understanding the subject easier. Before you blame anyone, try to find the main cause and fix it and love and joy of learning will be back in the child.

6. Learning does not have to be expensive:

Many Asian Indian and other education minded parents spend fortune on kid’s private school, software, special tutoring programs and books. One does not have to spend lot of money for learning to happen. There are lot of free to cheap resources such as public library, PBS station, a few online websites and daily living can be part of learning.

For example, young kids can be taught colors when you fold your laundry, you can point out colors. Teaching shapes is easy as our own home or apartment have furniture, door, clock in various shape. Talking to grandparents or neighbor can make kids and us learn things from different time. My kids learn old mythical stories from his grandparents. Learning can happen anywhere, anytime. It is not confined to school or 9-3 time. There are many ways to finance your education if you are homeschooling or supplementing public school education.

7. Non Traditional Ways of Teaching and Learning:

My mom was a teacher and writer so she taught us at home, when we came from school and learning happened without us knowing that it was education. Learning happens when are having fun. For example, if your young child loves only cars, how can you teach math, history and science with it? It is possible, and it is called Unit Studies. In Car unit studies, you can learn history by learning and reading about early transportation such as first car, you can add cars or take away cars game to teach math. You can teach colors by different colors of cars. Science can be taught by if metal cars sinks and plastic car sinks or not for younger children. For older children, one can learn how car engine works to teach science or technology.

If you or your older child likes Harry Potter then there are Unit studies ideas for that also, such as here.

Keep Learning! and Keep it Fun!

Your Turn: How do you keep yourself or your child motivated to learn new things?

This was originally posted at Heart and Mind blog by Zengirl, it is reproduced with permission here. Source: 7 ways to motivate learning:

Homeschool Curriculum Homeschooling tips K12 Homeschooling

Where To Get The Best Homeschool Curriculum Packages


By Jared Wright

If you’re new with home schooling education, finding the right homeschooling curriculum package for your child can be a bit of a challenge. Before you find the right homeschooling programs for your child, assess your kid first. Know his level of learning and all his learning needs. You may find that these particular education resources may be okay for him and this one is not. Assessment is indeed key to the success of homeschooling.

Internet is an extensive place to find the right curriculum package for you child. Try to be meticulous however as not to force your child into a curriculum is not approppriate for him. Certainly, the best homeschool curriculum packages are Customized for your child based on his learning needs. This include his learning capabilities, needs, and desires. Consequently, it will motivate, challenge and enrich your child’s learning experience.

However, if for some reasons you do not want to customize your child homeschool education, you may opt for pre package homeschool curriculum. This means that you just have to choose from the package choices available for preschool, high school and so on and so forth. Moreover, you may alternate subjects also, again depending on your personal and your child’s preference.

What does a Homeschool Curriculum Package includes? In a homeschool curriculum package, it often includes, but is not limited to the Teacher Materials as well as the Students Materials. In the former, expect to see manuals, teacher editions and keywords answers and the like. On the other hand, the latter include text books, worksheets and work books.

Tips on Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum Package:

Before you purchase a homeschool curriculum package online or from your local stores, you may check these tips to guide you in choosing a home school program for your child.

First, you need to know your child’s current condition. Determine your child’s learning needs and your short term and long term goals. Assess your child if you’ll be homeschooling a child for a year or more. In addition, know if you want to teach your child according to the Christian philosophy, another faith or secular.

Second, try to discover your core values. Understanding your core values as well as your child would greatly influence your homeschool curriculum choices. Find out your views on education, your role on your child’s education, your child’s responsibilities and even what success means to you.

Third, be at ease with one or more of the home schooling methods. Don’t give up that easily and try not to change methods every now and then. You’ll know what fits you and your child because the right one would show your core values mentioned earlier. Here are some of popular home schooling methods or approach that you may adapt: Literature or Textbooks, Self-teaching, Unit Study, Principle Approach and Delight Directed.

Fourth, select your home school curriculum and make adjustment. Do not let the product of someone else’s core values become a hindrance for your child to be successful. Don’t waste time with what you don’t need.

Finally, do not overstress yourself and your child. Remember that homeschooling should be fun and a memorable time for you and your child.

Finding the best homeschooling programs? Look no more. We have fantastic information on where to find the best homeschooling curriculum at our site. Visit us online today.

Homeschooling Tips and Our Best Homeschooling Curriculum Packages Choices

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7 Lies About Homeschooling



Image source: Sing, Spell, Read and Write  from Homeschool Curriculum

In time that I am homeschooling my kids about 3 years, I have heard many misconceptions and lies about homeschooling from media, well meaning but un-informed people. I am sure if you are homeschooling your kids or a homeschooler student, you may have heard many myths of these yourself, such as;

1. Is homeschooling legal? : Yes it is.
2. What do you do all day? : Study, play, meet other homeschoolers, relax, read, build things
3. Homeschooling kids will not survive in “real” world outside. : Yes, they do see : famous homeschooler you did not know.
4. homeschoolers live sheltered life. – I guess they kind of do.
5. Homeschooling kids do not dress up nicely: Yes, they may miss out on designer stuff.. and it is a good thing
6. Homeschooler are all conservative Christians: Yes many Christian are homeschooler but there are many other religious and non religious people do homeschooling also
7. Homeschooling kids have no social life: With many park days and field trip choices, social issue is last thing we have to worry about

Check out: Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe

There are of course many more myths about homeschooling and homeschooling curriculum, religion people may have; I found such a cool video from a real nice kid name Jordon who was homeschooled and now he is in college; Here is one funny, level headed guy. Watch the video yourself below;

7 Lies about Homeschooling Video

Your turn: Have you been asked such myths and lies for homeschooling? Share with us

Homeschool Curriculum Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

What To Do For Field Trip Ideas


Image Source:Kid travel

My kids learn a lot when we travel, and as a parent and teacher, I love the aspect of finding new ways to teach new things in fun way. Field trip are local or far away travel vacation that are educational as well as they are fun for all.

Here are some free and cheap Field Trip Ideas for every parent.

Here are a few more free and frugal field trip ideas:

  • local restaurant
  • Post Office
  • Camping
  • The City Building
  • Local Manufacturing Plant
  • Car Dealership
  • Restaurant or Pizza Place
  • Visit a sports team
  • Animal Shelter
  • Veterinarian
  • Recycling Center or County Dump
  • Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen or Local Ministry
  • Newspaper
  • Nursing Home
  • 9-1-1 Call Center
  • Rock Quarry
  • Courthouse
  • Waste Treatment Plant
  • State Park
  • Fish Hatchery
  • A Jeweler
  • Tree Farm
  • Seasonal Fruit Farm
  • National Park or Battlefield
  • Historical Landmarks or Structures
  • Bee Keeper
  • Hardware Store
  • State Highway Patrol
  • Your State Capital
  • A Local Artist’s Studio
  • Manufacturing Plants
  • Local Craft Store classes
  • Historical Homes,
  • Churches, Temple etc
  • Beach
  • Museums
  • Lake, River
  • Farm
  • Aquarium
  • Petting zoo
  • Hay Rides
  • Gardens
  • Hiking
  • Bird Watching
  • National Parks
  • Theme Park
  • Visiting relatives
  • Other culture and Countries
  • Train Rides
  • Boat Ride
  • Road Trips
  • Visiting work place of relative
  • Skiing
  • Planetarium
  • Science Museums
  • Local Fair
  • Food Festivals
  • Harvest Festivals

Okay only stopping thing is your imagination as you can see, kids and parents can have lot of learning opportunities. Some of the field trip activities may not be free or cheap but most of them are. You do not have to spend a lot of money to have fun or teach your kids through field trip.

Further Information check out:

Weird U.S.: A Freaky Field Trip Through the 50 States

The A to Z Guide to Home School Field Trips

Ten-Minute Field Trips, Third Edition : Good old fashioned outdoor field trip

Out of the Classroom and into the World: Learning from Field Trips, Educating from Experience, and Unlocking the Potential of Our Students and Teachers


Did I miss any ideas? How do you plan your field trips with kids?

This is from site Travel Ideas with kids . As a homeschooling family, we do lot of learning through museum, field trip travel that are fun, with hands on experience that kids enjoy exploring and learn by doing. My kids look forward to such a hand on experience and learn a lot.

Source: Fun Field Trip Ideas

homeschool-Children Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

Making Most Of Winter Break For Your Kids


Image source: When Winter Comes

During Christmas holidays in US schools are out and weather is cold, and holidays are busy and rushed for many, so how do weas parents make the most of the winter break? Actually, in our household and many other homeschooling family, winter break does not stop us from learning new things and skills. Learning happens during holidays break and even in weekend for many homeschooling family but in relaxed manner a bit.

Winter break are about 2 weeks or so, much shorter compared to summer break, even though it can get trying for some kids if they do not have some routine to follow and do. Here are some ideas for parents and kids to make most of the winter break!

1. Spend time learning weak subject during school break.

If your child has one particular subject area where she is not comfortable, you can spend more time practicing it in relaxed manner. Maybe taking and looking at the subject from different perspective may help understanding the topic much better when there is no pressure to meet deadline.

2. Take a break

Let your child or you take break from learning and teaching for short while. Making them decompress from information overload for short while will do kids and parents much good. That does not mean, sitting in front of television all day!

3. Go for fun field trips

You and your child (children) can take a day trip to local museums for fun field trip that is educational yet does not feel shcoolish. Many children love science museum outing where can see dinosaur fossils, hands on experience with many technological toys and gadgets. Petting zoos, Theme park such as Disney land, or Disney world can be be refresher.

4. Volunteer with your child

Winter break is perfect time to volunteer with your child at homeless shelter, food pantry, helping older neighbours with lawn mowing or son. During Christmas time, many people can use the help. If your child is young, you can still do little help with them to start off in giving spirit.

5. Enjoy Family Time

If you as a parent have break from work or you are at work at home mom, take it easy during last week of the year and spend time with family. You can watch Christmas movies together, play board games, do and make puzzles, sing a silly songs or whatever works well for you and your family.

See WINTER BREAK? LET’S HIT THE POOL.(Holidays)(Swimming, day camps, field trips – there’s a lot to do with kids while school’s out): An article from: The Register-Guard

Whatever you decide, enjoy time and learn while having fun. Have a great Holidays to you and your family!

Homeschool News Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

For Florida Parents,Truant Kids Means 2 Months Of Jail Time

I was just browsing news causally and I came across this shocking news. if your child has miss 15 days of school in 3 months time period, parents will be going to jail for 2 months! California state has recently strict truancy bill earlier this year (2011) and few parents already have spent time in jail. California is not the only one have such a strict rules, Alabama, Texas, North Carolina and now Florida state is implementing such strict rules.

I am afraid that more US states to follow. What does that mean for homeschooling families? Make sure you are not truant, when you file PSA or go through charter school or public school independent program.  Read this article below;

“Florida law says parents of children under 16 who let their kids miss 15 days of school within three months can be sent to jail for up to two months as punishment. The Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that Palm Beach prosecutors say the two-month jail sentence will be a last resort, after government and nonprofit workers try to fix whatever problem is keeping parents from getting their kids to school.

About a dozen Baltimore parents were sent to prison for their kids’ truancy in 2011, the Baltimore Sun reported in April. (In 2010, no Baltimore parents were jailed.) After California adopted a strict anti-truancy bill earlier this year, at least five parents in Orange County were sent to jail for the crime, according to the local CBS affiliate. Judges in Alabama, Texas, and North Carolina and other states have also used truancy laws to send offending parents to jail.

Earlier this year, the NAACP sued a Pennsylvania school district for levying what it claimed were illegal fines of thousands of dollars on truant students and their parents. Lenora Hummel, above, was fined $8,000 after her son and daughter stopped going to school because they said they were bullied and harassed by other students.”

I personally think, 2 months of jail for parents is bit overboard. Perhaps, trying to find out case by case to see why parents or kids might have failed going to school. It could be health or financial reason as right now so many families seems to be struggling.

If you are homeschooling parents, that does not mean you are immune, sometimes charters school or public school independent study program also have very strict guideline as school going parents so vigilant to make sure you’re not truant. If you are going to be for health or some un forseen reason, you may want to work to find a proper solution. This is truly a irony as one can recall, Ferris Buller was shown very hip and cool for knowingly missing the school, while reality is much different. Knowing your own state laws regarding schooling can help all parents, regardless of using private, public or homeschooling methods.

 You might be interested in;

Suddenly Homeschooling: A Quick-Start Guide to Legally Homeschool in 2 Weeks

The Homeschooling Book of Answers: The 101 Most Important Questions Answered by Homeschooling’s Most Respected Voices

Source: Yahoo news

Homeschool FAQ Homeschooling tips

Learning About Social Concerns of Homeschooling


Image source:

There are people who are worried about social skills and social aspects of homeschooling as they tend to believe that child and parent stuck in a room learning all day and student will not have enough time to make friends and create skills. Again and again, I am asked about this and this is really myth.

As a homeschooler, child will get plenty of social interaction during park days, field trip and play group. Homeschool kids gets to take physical education classes, music lessons, cooking lesson, horse riding and so on and there is plenty of opportunity to socially interact with other kids and adults alike, just like we do it real life.

The Home-School Connection: Lessons Learned in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community

Social skills is an area of deep concern when it comes to
homeschooling. Many critics point out that since man needs to hone
his social skills, a homeschooling environment where social
interaction is limited is detrimental to his growth and
development. But studies have proved this wrong.

Children put into the fiercely competitive school environments
lack the confidence to hold a conversation. Such children show
little genuine interest in the topic of conversation and don’t
know how to interact with people of various age groups,
especially their elders.

Children who learn at home are more aware of the implications and
the purpose of their learning. They will ask intelligent questions
and make accurate observations. Children begin their life by
imitating their parents. Homeschooled children therefore pick
up the sterling qualities they see in their parents. On the other
hand, they are protected from the detrimental influences of their

These children are thus better equipped with the tools necessary
to face the world. The positive reinforcement that takes place
in the homeschooling environment as opposed to being abandoned,
embarrassed or ignored in a normal school environment strengthens
their self-esteem. Children turn out to be better balanced and
well-rounded as they progress into adulthood.