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How American Homeschoolers Measure Up

On olden days before school officially created, all parents all over the world homeschooled and taught kids at home. Here is quick infographic on how American homeschoolers are measured up compared to other homeschoolers in the world.

Around 150 years ago states started making public school mandatory, and homeschooling eventually became illegal. It wasn't until the 90's that homeschooling became fully legal again. Today, homeschooling is the fastest growing form of education in the country.
The history of homeschooling 1840-1918
The history of homeschooling 1960-1993
Virtual public schools, homeschooling tax credits, notification of homeschooling, test scores and/or evaluation, homeschool curriculum approval, parent qualification, home visits.
Homeschooling is the fastest growing form of education in the country, growing from 850,000 homeschoolers in 1999 to 2.04 million homeschoolers in 2010.
Education levels of homeschooling parents: High school, some college, associate's, bachelor's, master's, doctorate. Number of children in homeschooling families: 2-6
Main reasons for homeschooling: Religious or moral instruction, safety, drugs, and peer pressure, academics, special needs.
On average, homeschoolers rank 87th percentile on standardized achievement tests. Boys, girls, reading, language arts, math, science, history.
Homeschooled adults are glad that they were homeschooled, feel it gave them an advantage, and would homeschool their own children.
Homeschoolers participate in community service activies, read books, continue on to college.
The average homeschool family spends $500 per child per year. The average public school spends nearly 20 times as much, not counting secondary costs.
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How To Learn With Autism

When a child has a Autism, learning can be challenge for kids, parents and teacher. But it does not have to be, by just getting right help and support. Learning about Autism, early signs to know if your child might be autistic, how to help and educate the right way so it might be easier for child as well as parent and teacher too will make a huge difference in child’s life. Hope you enjoy this info graphic on one of the most mis-understood subject for many of us.

Autism and Learning Overview
Diagnosis of Autism and Learning with Autism
Elements of a Successful Education
Additional Autism Resources
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