by | Aug 4, 2011 | Homeschool FAQ, Homeschool-Family, Homeschooling tips
Preschool is when usually parents start putting their kids first time in some time of public or private educational system. Prior to that kids have been in private care or day care type of setting when education would not have been main point of child care. Different...
by | Aug 2, 2011 | Homeschool FAQ, Homeschool-Family, Homeschooling tips
Homeschooling In Modern World Of Today In recent decades, homeschooling, or the traditional practice of educating children within the home as against sending them to a public or private learning institution, is slowly making its way back to the educational mainstream....
by | Aug 1, 2011 | Homeschool FAQ, Homeschool-Family, Homeschooling tips
Guide To Make Home Schooling Your Children Fun Seeing your children go to school and learn things can be fun. It makes you feel that you have, in a way, imparted them the most treasured gift that you can give them — EDUCATION. However, with many influences that lurk...
by | Jul 31, 2011 | Homeschool-Family, Homeschooling Resource, Homeschooling tips, K12 Homeschooling
One of the frequently asked question about homeschooling is about Record keeping in Homeschooling that public school keep and try to do it at home. There are several ways to keep proper records. Check out: Setting the Records Straight: How to Craft Homeschool...
by | Jul 28, 2011 | Homeschool Teens, Homeschool-Family, Homeschooling Resource, Homeschooling tips
Recently I was reading news and this article new american caught my eyes, which talked about successful college drop outs and possible homeschooling during college years. I am sure you will find it interesting too. What do Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg...
by | Jul 27, 2011 | Homeschool-Family, Homeschooling Resource, Homeschooling tips
Guide: Teacher’s Guide to Effectively Administer Homeschooling Homeschooling is a rapidly spreading alternative form of education. It practically requires nothing too stringent that even parents without a high school diploma can handle it. However, there is...