Early Education For Your Child:
Sing, Spell, Read & Write
If you are homeschooling your child, then this kit is perfect for you. This Combo Kit is packed with singing, reading, spelling and writing ideas and with enough language arts instructional material for two full years. Featuring age-appropriate lessons for the younger child, the kindergarten portion of this kit covers the first 15 steps of the 36-step Level 1 program.
Two kindergarten student workbooks are included featuring larger print and fewer words per page. Topics covered include letter recognition, letter sounds, manuscript writing, and beginning reading.
About Sing, Spell, Read & Write
Sing, Spell, Read & Write is a learning-to-read curriculum that uses a 36-step program of carefully sequenced systematic, explicit phonics instruction to build fluent independent readers. For more than two decades, veteran educator Sue Dickson developed and field-tested this program in her own classroom. Where other reading programs were failing the students who were struggling the most, Mrs. Dickson saw first-hand the amazing results her students achieved when she combined music with multimodal teaching strategies. Using look, listen, point, sing-along, and echo routines along with gross motor and fine motor activities, the program activitely engages the senses and effectively reaches all types of learners. Virtually every child is assured of success. Today, the program has a proven, nationwide track record and the soundness of such an approach is strongly supported by current research on brain function, language acquisition, and reading.
Here are some of the Features for Sing, Spell, Read & Write
- Sing, Spell, Read & Write helps you: • Put the proven power of multisensory learning to work in your classroom.
- Develop a complete Language Arts curriculum with correlated and sequenced phonics, reading, writing, spelling, comprehension, and grammar lessons. • Engage students and make learning fun with catchy sing-along songs, games, phonetic storybook readers, and hands-on activities.
- Boost Language Arts skills for all students, including those who struggle with traditional approaches.
- Promote independent reading by the end of Grade 1 for virtually every child.
- Incorporate step-by-step guidelines and scripted lessons into your curriculum.
- Track each child’s progress using built-in assessments and achievement tests.
- Improved reading scores nationwide — 42 percentile-point increase in total reading scores, 34-point increase in comprehension, increase of 2.7 reading grade levels in one year.
Other Details:
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Paperback: 600 pages
- Publisher: Good Year Books (March 2001)
- Language: English
What is Included in the Sing, Spell, Read & Write
- Four consumable workbooks (2 Kindergarten, 2 First grade)
- Instructor’s guide
- Set of 6 cassettes AND a CD with all the phonics songs
- Laminated Raceway chart
- Laminated alphabet chart
- Pen and eraser to use on charts
- Set of 17 readers
- Three sets of bingo-like phonics games
- Two decks of phonics game cards
- Treasure Box of rewards
Things we like about the Combo Kit:
As a homeschooler, this is one of the best phonics program I have seen that works with most children. We have tried and used hooked on phonics and other reading and phonics programs, this is by far one of the best and easy to use by any homeschooling parent.
The first step is learning the alphabet and the corresponding sounds. Musical tools and games are included and this type of learning was easy for my boys. The second step is learning short vowel sounds. Each concept includes readers using words a child has learned or knows at that point. Next they learn long vowels, letter blends (digraphs), silent e, two vowel combinations, and many other reading rules. Once again the readers use words or rules the child has learned and does not skip ahead. For example, silent e stories don’t include ‘ea’ combinations until both concepts have been presented then the story includes both rules. Another example is how ‘ch’ has three different sounds; sh, k and ch. These are not taught at the same time, but the readers introduce these concepts at the appropriate point. It is great to have these concepts as examples in the readers without having to search for them.
Here are some of the things we like about this curriculum kit;
- It is easy to use and easy for young kids to understand
- It incorporates singing in to fun educational learning
- 2 laminated charts included for easy learning, pen and eraser for the chart is also included
- 17 readers books for various fun reading
- Includes 6 singing cds for phonics program
- Instructor’s guide to show you how to get started
- You can modify the learning guide based on your preference to you and child
- 3 fun bingo like phonics games: learning can be fun with games and music
- Kit also includes the reward treasure box to reward kids
- Can be re-used with other siblings, children
- After you done with it, you can resell it
- Higher quality contents and booklet ready to teach right away
- Learn to spell, learn sounds of alphabets, read and write all in one while having fun
- This kit is great for ages 4 to 8, meaning you can start teaching from preschool till 2nd grade
- This kit is for 4 years, so if you divide the price in to 4 years, it is quite valuable and priceless
- Also comes with Instructional video and instructor manual
- Much better than “How to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons” and HOP “Hooked on Phonics” programs, do not waste money on those.
- Recommended by many homeschooler parents and homeschooling experts. One of the best program that incorporate phonics, spelling, reading and writing in to fun song and game learning program.
Things to Consider:
- This program usually sells for $240 to $350, it is bit expensive. However, if you think you can teach your child phonics, reading, spelling and writing from preschool till 3rs grade, it is quite worth it.
- Box comes with over an hour video, so it will help if you actually saw it before teaching. Many people just start teaching without it will not have the same benefits.
- They have same or similar activities for different letters, which could be beneficial to keep same theme but can get repetitive for some kids.
Colorful, creative, enjoyable and effective, Sing, Spell, Read & Write Level 1 Program gives your students a roadmap to reading success-the 36-step Language Arts Raceway Progress Chart. To help students get to the finish line moving at their own pace, this multisensory program combines unforgettable sing-along-and-point songs, point-and-learn wall charts, a wealth of hands-on activities and games, plus two curriculum books, Off We Go and Raceway, and 17 Phonetic Storybook Readers to spark interest and guide comprehension
Sing, Spell, Read & Write is a phonics-based program that uses a 36-step program of carefully sequenced steps to teach reading, writing, and spelling. Delivering explicit phonics instruction via a multisensory approach, Sing, Spell, Read & Write reaches every avenue to the brain and addresses every student’s learning style. For more than two decades, veteran educator Sue Dickson developed and field-tested this program in her own classroom. Where other reading programs were failing the students who were struggling the most, Mrs. Dickson saw first-hand the amazing results her students achieved when she combined music with multimodal teaching strategies. Using look, listen, point, sing-along, and echo routines along with gross motor and fine motor activities, the program activitely engages the senses and effectively reaches all types of learners. Virtually every child is assured of success. Today, the program has a proven, nationwide track record and the soundness of such an approach is strongly supported by current research on brain function, language acquisition, and reading.
Features and Benefits
- Saves time. You have more time for teaching because we’ve provided all the lessons for you.
- Is convenient and economical. You can teach your students all seven areas of Language Arts in integrated, easy-to-use lessons with the purchase of a single program.
- Appeals to all learning styles. The multisensory instruction is effective with all learning modalities – auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
- Builds a larger vocabulary. Your students will master a 1,500 word reading and spelling vocabulary.
- Instills confidence. Your students will learn word attack skills and decoding techniques to correctly sound out and pronounce 97% of all the words in the English language.
- Enhances reading comprehension. Sequential storybooks and comprehension questions ensure that your students will really understand what they read.
- Promotes language proficiency. The integrated lessons help students use language proficiently whether reading, writing, or speaking.
Where to buy it?
We have found the best price currently online below; get best value by clicking below;
Sing, Spell, Read and Write : Kindergarten Level 1 Combo Kit
All Image source: Sing, Spell, Read and Write : Kindergarten Level 1 Combo Kit