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How American Homeschoolers Measure Up

On olden days before school officially created, all parents all over the world homeschooled and taught kids at home. Here is quick infographic on how American homeschoolers are measured up compared to other homeschoolers in the world.

Around 150 years ago states started making public school mandatory, and homeschooling eventually became illegal. It wasn't until the 90's that homeschooling became fully legal again. Today, homeschooling is the fastest growing form of education in the country.
The history of homeschooling 1840-1918
The history of homeschooling 1960-1993
Virtual public schools, homeschooling tax credits, notification of homeschooling, test scores and/or evaluation, homeschool curriculum approval, parent qualification, home visits.
Homeschooling is the fastest growing form of education in the country, growing from 850,000 homeschoolers in 1999 to 2.04 million homeschoolers in 2010.
Education levels of homeschooling parents: High school, some college, associate's, bachelor's, master's, doctorate. Number of children in homeschooling families: 2-6
Main reasons for homeschooling: Religious or moral instruction, safety, drugs, and peer pressure, academics, special needs.
On average, homeschoolers rank 87th percentile on standardized achievement tests. Boys, girls, reading, language arts, math, science, history.
Homeschooled adults are glad that they were homeschooled, feel it gave them an advantage, and would homeschool their own children.
Homeschoolers participate in community service activies, read books, continue on to college.
The average homeschool family spends $500 per child per year. The average public school spends nearly 20 times as much, not counting secondary costs.
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Homeschool Vs. Public School Comparison

There are lot of debate on whether public school is better or homeschooling? I guess it is personal opinion, but here is fun info graphic to see in fun image how public school and homeschooling are stacked against each other. You be the judge! As a homeschooling parent, I am bit biased though.

It is always interesting to compare data together and analyze and see what you have chosen comes out at the top. In this info-graphic, there is a comparison between homeschooling kids vs. public school kids and you can see it based on this hightlight facts below;

Homeschooling By Numbers:

Over 2 Millions are homeschooling now : 75% increase since 1999

Top 3 Homeschooling Father’s Profession:

  1. Engineer/Accountant
  2. Professor/Doctor/Lawyer
  3. Small Business Owner

National Average Percentile across Subjects:

  • Public school Avg. 50%
  • Homeschooling Avg. 86%

GPA Comparisons:

  • Public School : FreshMen 3.12, Seniors 3.16
  • Homeschooler: FreshMen 3.41, Seniors 3.46

Graduation Rate Comparison:

  • Public School: 57.5%
  • Homeschooler: 66.7%
Homeschool Domination
Homeschooling by the Numbers
Homeschooler National Average Percentile Scores
Homeschoolers are Less Affected by External Factors
When They Get to College, Homeschool Students Keep on Succeeding
But are Homeschoolers a Little Odd? Studies Say No
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Created by College At Home
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Homeschooling By Number: Info Graphic Chart

Before I started homeshcooling my kids, I surely did not know there were so many homeschooling families.  I was happily surprised to know that there are many good and concerned parents who homeschool their kids successfully and legally. However I did not know until I found this info graphic that shows homeschooling by numbers so we can see how we fare among others. It is surely interesting facts that I am sure will fascinate all homeschoolers and potential homeschooling parents.

Homeschooling by the Numbers
Comparing 2008-2009 SAT Scores • Independent Homeschooling, Religiously-Affiliated Homeschooling, Public Schools
National Average Percentile Scores, Public School Versus Homeschool
Education Level of Homeschooled Parents
Number of Children Per Homeschooled Family
Fun Learning

How Did Homeschooling Started: History

Want to know How Homeschooling Started? Here is fun info graphic on history of Homeschooling! Hope you like it.

Via: Online College Source