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How To Homeschool for Your Convenience


Homeschooling is an alternative form of education that is fast growing. There are approximately two million people in the country today that undergo homeschooling. It completely fills up the role of institutional learning. In homeschooling, both parents and their children determine the extent of their learning.

Everybody can avail of homeschooling. All fifty states legally approve the practice of homeschooling. What differs from state to state are the laws governing the homeschooling program. Homeschooling can be very convenient for single parents who run a home business. They can have their kids to help them as well. Children of disabled parents can be tapped to take on a medical profession or one that involves social services.

Homeschooling should not be confused with home study or other forms of home-based education. In the latter, the parents and children do not have a say on the content of the curriculum. Examples of these are independent school programs. Home study is usually offered to those kids who for some valid reason could not attend school, say injury.

Homeschooling Curriculum

How to Start Homeschooling

There is not much requirement for one to administer homeschooling. Some states do not even require a highschool diploma from the parents. There is however, one state which requires some training program for homeschooling before allowing a person to conduct it at home.

Homeschooling is preferred over institutional learning for various reasons. Some find the school curriculum questionable. Some parents think that schools cannot provide enough training to optimize the skills and talents of their children. Some are simply concerned with the issues regarding the safety and security within their local schools. Some children just do not fit in school so parents resort to homeschooling for their kids.

Not much is needed to enable one to administer homeschooling. Even simple household stuff or even pets can be used to demonstrate scientific concepts. One can also borrow tools from friends and neighbors. Books at home can also be great learning materials. If they are not sufficient, the bookstore and the public library are the best sources of knowledge as well as the internet.

If still clueless about the concept, there are many organizations, websites and publications which can help enlighten about homeschooling and offer great help along the process. The library is also one of the best resources for wealth of knowledge as well as the local museums.

Homeschooling can be a very rewarding experience for the family. It provides for more precious time for bonding. It is not necessary for parents to be geniuses to become homeschooling teachers. All they need to have is resourcefulness to find ways to answer their children’s questions.

Now, this does not mean homschooling is easy and you as a parent do not have to do much. It is about setting up time when it is good for you, specially when child or you are sick, you can teach her in evening or weekend and still catch up with educational requirements.

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Where to Find Teaching Materials for Homeschool


If you ever wondered where to find Teaching Materials For Homeschooling, look no further, this articles shows you a few ways you can get homeschooling curriculum without spending an arm and legs.

How do you successfully determine what method of teaching, what lessons to teach and at what speed? Having decided to educate your kids at home for the purpose of giving your children the needed attention they require, do you still follow the school’s standards of what subjects to cover and take up and when? Has keeping with the rules and standards of the school meant hurrying your children through anything by driving them to memorizing certain areas of the subject matter so to progress?

If you are, keep in mind that you are not doing your children any favors at all. For kids to really be equipped for life, you should exploit the benefits of what homeschooling will permit you to accomplish and that is choosing your objectives and goals and setting the pace in relation to your children’s specific needs.

By far, the biggest challenge that a homeschooling parent encounters is making a homeschooling schedule. While some make use of software programs, some parents write their notes in notebooks or in computer programs such as Microsoft Word; some plan the activities as the day goes and others do the planning ahead; there are some who do not make plans at all. It would really depend on the type of person that you are, on where are you comfortable with.

However, making a yearly plan of objectives consisting of goals which you have established for your child is the best, convenient and effective way to go. Basing from the goals you have set, the choices you make when gathering the homeschooling materials needed will be much easier and ensure that they will be put into productive use.

Since you are well familiar with your child’s learning abilities, it is wise that the goals you set will be based from his/her capabilities.  At such time that your child is old or mature enough, he can and must help in the goals that you make, ultimately setting his own goals, making you his adviser.

You can acquire homeschooling teaching materials on the internet, and it is important that you become well acquainted with the teaching materials in order that you can manage, organize and take control so that you understand and see everything in an orderly manner.  Here are suggestions to help you achieve this task:

1.    Group materials for the whole school year by topic.

2.    Sort out the teaching materials that will be used by you from the materials that will be used by your child.

3.    Place the materials in such a way that it is accessible to the kids when they need to refer to it.

4.    When organizing the educational materials for every subject, keep the primary alongside the supplemental materials, as well as make certain that extra materials, like additional readings and tools, are readily available when needed.

6.    Take into account making a listing of educational materials that you have. This is useful especially when you are teaching two or more children as the list can keep track and organize the materials that you have through the years.

7.    After obtaining the materials for a certain subject’s curriculum, study and spend a lot of time getting yourself familiar and well acquainted with everything. You can inspect the materials through answering the following guidelines:

How are these materials constructed to be carried out?

What is the expected time frame for each session?

What type of performance is expected for the child?

Do I have all supplemental materials that I need, such as the teacher’s guide or student workbooks? If not, you will need to get them before the school year starts.

Do supplemental materials, like the answer key and teacher’s guide fit in and conform with it?

Do the materials actually match your expectations? At times when you were not able to directly examine the materials, when you receive them, they are not what you really have expected. Return and replace the materials with what really matches your needs.

The technology of today, especially the internet has exposed a lot of homeschooling materials and supplies readily available to all individuals. With a lot of research one can surely find homeschooing educational software, lesson plans, curriculum, programs, educational games, activities, and a lot more!
The internet is overflowing with information so searching for and looking for resources is not a problem at all.  Also, there are a number of support groups and forums to ensure an effective homeschooling experience for you.

Check out:

Homeschool Reference Books for Parents

Best early education homeschool curriculum

Best kindergarten curriculum I love! Sing, Spell, Read and Write

Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

Homeschooling poster: Cheap, fun and educational

Homeschooling via DVD Videos

Homeschool Curriculum Homeschool FAQ Homeschool Finance Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

Cost of Homeschooling

Homeschooling Cost can be as little in early years to very expensive, depending on how you choose to homeschool. Most parents who are into homeschooling have discovered that they do not need much money in order to be effective and successful homeschoolers.

However, when families are considering to homeschool, they have to calculate the cost first since there are several expenditures that require attention; these are not merely financial costs, but physical and emotional as well.

Generally, parents identify the economic cost and concentrate on that primarily. Teaching and learning materials have to be bought. Most likely your local school will lend you textbooks; if not, your local library is a great place to start.  You can borrow books, have it photo copied and bring it home.

There also is an “emotional cost” that is involved in homeschooling as it is physically and emotionally challenging, at times stressful for the parents, as they spend a lot of time teaching their kids.

Obviously, this is the main reason why parents chose to home educate their children, however, it does not necessarily suggest that they are continuously educating and instructing their children.

To address the problem, parents must also arrange during the day a certain time allotted for their favorite past time, such as reading while the kids are out playing in the yard.

So how much does homeschooling really cost you ask? As much or as less as you want to.  Here are guidelines to help you spend your homeschooling money responsibly:

1.    Research and shop around.  Spend time to research available teaching and learning materials before purchasing. Explore your local stores, web sites, and your local library for resource supplies and books.

2.    Narrow down the field.  List everything that you need down and focus on the really important ones. Books that you need to buy, others you can borrow from the library.

3.    Set a budget.  How much will you be able to afford? Buying materials on a monthly basis and only when the need arises may be the best option for you, than buying everything in bulk, to find out that you don’t really need some of them.

4.    Stick to your list.  Never purchase any homeschool material that you have not listed, you don’t need them, so don’t get carried away.

Through calculating first the cost, as well as taking the time to talk with and get other homeschool parents concepts and analysis, and discussing possibilities before starting to homeschool, parents will be much prepared for the adventure of learning together as one family. Planning in advance will bring about peace and productivity.

You can find many cheap homeschooling curriculum ideas in homeschooling reference book: Homeschooling On a Shoestring

Homeschool FAQ Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

Can you Be a Homeschool Teacher?

momschoolAs an adult I took up engineering degree, and not teaching degree, so I often thought how can I teach a child without teaching credentials? If you ever thought like I did, fret not. As a parent, we make a best teacher as we know our child the best. Think about when your child was infant till preschool age, where you might have taught her how to tell colors, shapes, recognize people and their emotions. Child has learned how to talk, walk and chew just watching you.

Check out resources on how to be homeschool teacher ideas and check out homeschooling articles and homescooling curriculum ideas to help you further in becoming a homeschooler teacher and parent you want.

The teacher is the key to the success of homeschooling. In most cases, the teacher is a parent or a close relative. In some cases,
parents may divide the subjects between them. Rarely, if both parents are busy, they may hire a homeschool teacher. Whatever the
case, children need time with their parents. Parents, as a rule, make very good teachers.

Teaching does not involve a clinical presentation of facts. Learning has to be integrated lovingly into daily life for it to
interest the child. That is where parents come in. Grandparents also make great teachers, especially since they have an abundance
of patience.

If you feel anxious about your skill or knowledge, relax. There are countless homeschooling resources that are aimed at helping
you. Professional curriculum packages, support groups, online help desks, virtual schools and library resources are all available.
When you start out, you may want to make use of the commercial curriculum packages. Readymade software also allows you to record
and log important achievements.

Local support groups are an excellent source of help, ideas and material. This is where you get to meet experienced homeschoolers,
who will be more than happy to offer their insight and advice. Once you settle into the homeschooling routine, you will find
yourself tailoring the curriculum to suit your own needs.

Check out:

Homeschooling Curriculum

Homeschooling Reference Books

Homeschool FAQ Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

How You Can Get Started with Home Schooling Your Child

Many parents who think about homeschooling as an option, always ask or think about how to get started. The same question bothered me when I first started teaching my kids and since then I know thing or two about it which I want to share here.

Education is a very important aspect in a human being’s existence. He needs education to nurture his craft, hone his talents, and provide him with all the possible answers to all of the wonders in this world.

Parents know this fact, that’s why they would always want the best for their children. In this manner, when the concept of home schooling was introduced into the society, they have been astonished with the fact that there are still other ways in educating their children.

At first, opting for home schooling is such an overwhelming matter. Most parents thought that it is impossible to teach a child through home schooling method.

On its basic concept, home schooling refers to the alternative way of educating children. It differs from the usual type of schooling because the learning process is done at home and the teachers are usually the parents themselves. They only use a particular type of teaching method that can be obtained in different institutions that provide home schooling programs.

Home schooling had provided many advantages and benefits to both parents and children. That’s why many parents have opted for home schooling in providing their child the indispensable education that their children need.

However, some parents find home schooling a daunting task. So, for parents who find home schooling a bit of an overwhelming task, here is a list of some tips on how to get you started in home schooling your child:

1. Arrive at a decision

The problem that most parents encounter when opting for home schooling is the fact that they find it hard to finally decide whether to home school their child or not. This is because deciding on this kind of thing is relatively important especially because the future of the child is dependent on it.

However, the choice should be based on the capacity of the parents to conform to the requirements in home schooling their child. They should be able to wholly participate with whatever items that were entailed in the program in order to provide the best education for their children.

2. Keep in mind that home schooling is a process

Since home schooling is a process, parents who want to home school their children should take things one at a time. For instance, if they have a pre-school child, they should focus more on what pre-school students should learn. They should not delve more on how to teach higher levels of education that are fit for students in higher levels.

3. Know your state laws regarding home schooling

In the United States, each state has its own laws regarding home schooling. Hence, it is best to know what your state asserts about home schooling so that you can provide the best education for your children in conformity with the law.

4. Look for a “support group”

Home schooling should not be the sole responsibility of the parents. That is why it is important for the parents to find a local “support group” wherein they can mingle with other homeschoolers who can provide them with additional pointers regarding the process.

Each member in the “support group” can help each other regarding the best technique in teaching their children.

5. Do your homework

Nothing can get you started on the right track than doing your homework first. In this way, you will be able to know the important details you need to be familiar with in order to provide the best education for your children.

Knowing what you have to do will give you the best guidance in home schooling.

6. Identify your child’s learning manner

It is best to assess your child’s learning manner first before you choose on a particular home schooling method. Conforming to your child’s learning manner will provide the best way on how to home school your child.

There are many choices available when teaching your child through a home school program. Though it is still best to always pattern the program that you will choose on your child’s learning style.

7. Organize the things needed in home schooling

Just like a typical school, home schooling your children would also need different materials and a proper place where they can easily and comfortable learn new things each day.

Hence, it’s best to organize the place first by providing them with an adequate space for their learning. Most children would respond to the process easily if they were comfortable with the place where their classes are held.

8. Have a budget for home schooling

Some parents tend to over indulge with the materials needed in home schooling. It does not necessarily mean that because you have lowered your expenses because you have opted to home school, as compared to sending your children into a typical public or private school, you can spend more.

It is still a must that you have to set a budget for home schooling. There are many books and other materials that can be found on the Internet which are definitely priced cheaper.

Indeed, home schooling is not just a process but also a lifestyle. It’s something that parents should be best acquainted with in order to give their children with the best education they need.

Check out:

10 Things to Consider Before you Start Homeschooling

Homeschool Reference Books for Parents

Best early education homeschool curriculum

Best kindergarten curriculum I love! Sing, Spell, Read and Write

Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

Getting Started

Homeschooling poster: Cheap, fun and educational

Homeschooling via DVD Videos

Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

Staying Connected With You Child

I admit, being homeschooling mom, I often tend to wear “teacher” hat and forget that I am also mom too. I am thinking about each life moment can be a wonderful learning opportunity. Now, there is nothing wrong with learning but sometimes we just have to let go and stop being teacher and be a parent and just simply enjoy the time with your child and connect with her.

The world has become a jungle of knowledge. Wherever you turn, you
find a new fruit that just has to be passed on to your child. In
the middle of all the knowledge flying to and fro, we sometimes
forget to talk and relax with our children. A mom who doubles as a
teacher needs to leave the teacher behind and simply become mom
for a few hours everyday.

Listen to your child. Do not just hear the words, but notice the
emotion too. Many children find it difficult to express exactly
what they want. Talk to your child about general stuff and allow
him to be ‘just a kid’. When you talk to your child, as for his
opinions. Few things please him more. It also adds kilos to his

Most parents interrupt when their children talk. We, as adults,
detest it when someone cuts across our lines. Kids keep mum
because they are forced to be silent when we shut them up. But
this is unhealthy and unfair. Allow your child to finish and then
express your views in a rational manner. The child should have the
confidence to confide in you.

Gentle parenting is the key to successful homeschooling. Be a
parent first, and then a teacher.

Check out:

10 Things to Consider Before you Start Homeschooling

Homeschool Reference Books for Parents

Best early education homeschool curriculum

Best kindergarten curriculum I love! Sing, Spell, Read and Write

Getting Started

Homeschool FAQ Homeschool-Family Homeschooler Health Homeschooling tips

How to Homeschool with a disability

Many parent start to consider homeschooling when child has a disability of some type and public school system has failed to thrive the child no matter what they tried. It is very frustrating to see your child not learning much or being bullied at school. Many parents try or think about homeschooling option, and rightly so. It can be done.

If you feel that your child suffers from a disability that seriously hampers his ability to stick to a routine, then homeschooling is your best choice. The child will be constantly under your supervision. But he will be gaining a lot of quality education, in spite of his disability. This is rather surprising, considering how children with disabilities are stigmatized in public schools.

Goal setting is an important part of homeschooling a child with disability. Set the number of working hours per week for the child. A child with a disability may have his bad days. Structure the learning hours according to the needs and interests of the child. Use the computer. This way, he will have all the necessary information right at his fingertips while staying within the confines of his home.

Field trips and other educational activities are just as important. Get help from your support group. Visit places of interest and interact with other children in the group. Take your child out for some activities, so that he can socialize. Let him set his own pace with making friends. This will help in strengthening his self-esteem.

Above all, remember that homeschooling is just the same, even when your child suffers from a disability. You will just need to look for the right opportunities and the easiest alternatives to achieve the same goals.

Check out:

Disability Books

Disability and Homeschooling

Homeschool FAQ Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschooling tips

The Dark Side Of Homeschooling

This site and many other homeschooling sites has many benefits and advantages of homeschooling but it would not be complete picture until we talk about bad side or the dark side of homeschooling too. It’s not all hunky-dory and smooth sailing on the homeschooling
front. Like all things in life, there is a downside that has to be
seriously considered when you explore the homeschooling option.
Though one man’s bane may be another man’s boon, there are certain
common reasons for concern.

The responsibility of teaching your child rests solely on you. You
cannot blame anyone else if your child is seen wanting in the
skills that his peers excel in. If your child cannot do the things
that are expected from other children of his age group, it
reflects badly on you as an educator as well as a parent.

A critical part of homeschooling is the time that you have to
spend with your children. You may have to give up your friends,
shopping and other entertainment and dedicate all these to your
child. This can become frustrating at times. You have to learn to
take the aggravation with equanimity and wait for the rewards with
patience and enthusiasm.

A parent who is dedicated to tutor his or her child single
handedly does not realistically have much time left over for a
career. This means that the family is robbed of an additional
source of income. In turn, this may lead to stress over finances.
You will have to train yourself to live on a strictly controlled
budget. While this is a matter of habit, it does need some getting
used to.

You cannot take a break when you feel like it. Feelings of guilt
will assail you if you neglect studies just because you are
feeling blue. You also fear that the child will take advantage of
the situation. Even when you have given homework, you have to be
around to give a helping hand. This means that anytime your child
is around you, you are on duty! For some, this may mean working
every waking hour. The child studying at home also needs to get
out more. This comes from staying at home all the time.
Interaction with adults and other children needs to be given
special attention.

Children tutored at home cannot develop in the various directions
that are open to children attending public schools. To achieve
that kind of exposure, you either have to be a super-parent
skilled in everything, or enroll your child to various activities.
This may not only prove too costly, but also be

It is sometimes observed that homeschooled children do not do as
well in SAT tests as their school-going counterparts. Without a
diploma or a GED, some students find it difficult to get into the

Lastly, if you envision enrolling your child to a public school,
there may be a certain period of emotional as well as social
adjustment. A child who is used to being at home for the whole day
and enjoying so much of uncontained freedom may have to undergo
some distressing emotional upheavals before he or she gets used to
the rigors of a regular school life.

Check out:

10 Things to Consider Before you Start Homeschooling

Homeschool Reference Books for Parents

Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

Getting Started

Homeschooling via DVD Videos

Homeschool FAQ Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschool Teens Homeschooling tips

How To Homeschooling the teenager

Image Source: Teens Book

Teenage years are sure trying, specially when you are homeschooling. It might help actually when you are homeschooling your teen, as he or she will not have huge peer pressure compared to those teens who are in regular public school with image to keep up with. However, trying teen years can take toll on you and your teen so take some precaution to help your teen and yourself during teen years when you are homeschooling. One of the top thing to do is keep encouragement of motivational reading.

As children start maturing into adults, parents feel insecure
about homeschooling. Many parents then discontinue the
homeschooling process and happily hand over the reign to outside
authorities. But is this really necessary? Is the strictly
compartmentalized education provided in schools a better option?

If social concerns are worrying you, look for interest-oriented
associations, clubs and societies. These offer a lot of support
for leaders, opportunity for shared experience, and foster a sense
of belonging. Make up your own group or share this responsibility
with someone else. Home education support groups provide fantastic
opportunities to meet your child’s needs. This is the best way to
develop intelligent, self-motivated, healthy and able young

If the growing burden of some of the higher level Math or Science
seems to be beyond you, enlist the help of someone who knows more.
You can even barter your own services and thus save some money.
With homeschooling becoming more and more popular, support groups
will have innumerable resources that help you find the right
teacher for your child.

The underlying principle that guides homeschooling is this: any
child has the innate capacity to grow, develop and achieve its
full potential. All it needs is the right environment and all the
right answers. Be there to provide these and think twice before
you turn over this responsibility to a third party.

Check out: How to Homeschool Teens resources:

10 Things to Consider Before you Start Homeschooling

Homeschool Reference Books for Parents

Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

Homeschool Curriculum Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschooling Resource

Online Homeschooling


There are so many ways to learn and educate your child in school or at home. One of the growing trend is to teach and learn through online classes. There are online streaming videos that teach kids and teens about various subjects, you can do math online, you can do memory, puzzles, write an essay and learn music online as well. There are quite many vendors and classes available for those who are interested. Some can be free to fee based. You can learn from DVD learning, language learning through online education and teach your children various topics from the world.

If Johnny is fascinated by the blinking cursor and struggles to
master the movements of the mouse, you may want to look into some
of the recent developments in homeschooling techniques. Gone are
the days when parents had to buy material from vendors and then
pass it on to their children with explanations. Today, you get the
full course details, material and test papers online.

Children love to sit with the computer. In addition to making them
feel like an adult, the computer also makes use of the visual and
sound medium to make learning fun and easy. Streaming video and
audio show various scientific processes in great detail. The
colorful pictures and the various techniques used help to
effectively bind the data to the child’s memory.

Many online resources have a fun testing center that aims to
measure the knowledge and skill level of your child. Complicated
math and science problems are dealt with deftly and elegantly.
A visit to an e-library can also be fun, especially when there
is an audio clip that reads out the passage to you.

E-learning has just begun to revolutionize the world of studies.
If harnessed properly, a child can assimilate an astonishing
amount of information from that great resource sitting right there
at your table – your P.C.

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