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How To Make Home Schooling Your Children Fun

Guide To Make Home Schooling Your Children Fun

Seeing your children go to school and learn things can be fun. It makes you feel that you have, in a way, imparted them the most treasured gift that you can give them — EDUCATION.

However, with many influences that lurk in school, you might even wonder if sending them to school is the best gift, indeed. Many parents are worried how children are getting their behaviors changed whenever they are in school.

That’s why homeschool had been created in order to provide a feasible option for parents who wish to educate their children in a way where they can supervise personally. They want to find a way where they can instill in them the values that they want their children to have.

All of these things are contained in homeschooling. In this manner, parents are able to control and instigate the kind of education they want their children to learn. They can manage their children’s behavior and impart in them the values that they want their children to learn.

However, what people do not know is that the very important aspect why homeschooling is a great alternative to traditional schooling is based on the fact that both the parents and the children can have fun learning things.

With homeschooling, parents can make their children’s learning process more fun and less rigid compared to the traditional school system.

Here’s a list on how to make homeschooling your children fun:

1. Make reading more fun

The best way to teach a child is to make things easier for him or her to understand and learn. The best way to do this is to incorporate fun in the setting.

For instance, if you want to teach your children to read, it would be better if you will read to them just to have some fun. Let them enhance their imagination by generating life in the characters included in the story. In this way, they will be able to learn things with lots of fun.

Create a connection with their books and not instill in them the norms and standards set by the typical school system.

2. Make learning comfortable

If the children or the students are comfortable with the program, then homeschooling can be more fun. It will generate more enthusiasm compelling the children to participate in the process.

The point here is that in order to make homeschooling more fun is that parents should never be constrained on the idea of teaching itself. They should teach by example. That is, indeed, a fun way of learning things.

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Homeschooling Record Keeping Ideas

One of the frequently asked question about homeschooling is  about Record keeping in Homeschooling that public school keep and try to do it at home. There are several ways to keep proper records.

Check out:

Setting the Records Straight: How to Craft Homeschool Transcripts and Course Descriptions for College Admission and Scholarships

The Homeschooler’s Plan Book Plus!: Planning and Record-Keeping Pages Plus Hundreds of Great Ideas for Classroom Management, Brain-Stretchers, Student

A topic that frequently comes up in meetings and forums that deal with homeschooling is record keeping. The importance of record keeping cannot be ignored. It is not only legally required in various States, but also provides important milestones in your
child’s learning experience. An interest-initiated homeschooling approach means that the topic of studies is far ranging and
multifarious. Thus, it can be something of a challenge to write quarterly reports for the school district, when it is difficult
to classify learning into neatly pigeonholed areas.

Record keeping is important not only for the sake of regulations. It is also an exciting way to record and document the learning
process of the child. When most of the learning is done through play and there is no clear cut index of topics that have to be
covered, it is necessary for the parent to keep some sort of a log which records the child’s progress.

The records you keep can be as simple as a daily journal, or as elaborate as a software program. If you participate in a support
group, you probably have set forms and requirements. But even so, keeping track of daily work makes reporting easy and efficient.

There are various record keeping methods used by various homeschools. Some of the more popular ones are:


This can be maintained by the teacher or the student. This basically aims to keep a log of what was learned and what was
done. Recording memorable events that happened in the course of the year is a great way to reminisce later on.

Daily planner:

Lay out the plans and the assignments for the week in a teacher’s planning notebook. Check each item as it is covered. Maintain a
separate area where any additional things can be recorded. This includes educational trips, visits and videos etc. Any extra
topics that were covered are also recorded in this area. Make a summary every quarter.


This consists of a collection of varied materials that show what the child has achieved and done during the course of study.
Portfolio assessment is a very effective way to chart the child’s progress. It gives structure to the otherwise loose and flexible
form of schooling called homeschooling. A drawing portfolio will consist of some paintings or sketches that are considered the best
in that quarter. A language portfolio may consist of essays, stories, reading-logs, spelling samples or letters. Progress in mathematics, fine arts, history, science and social studies can all be recorded this way. The biggest advantage is that portfolio
assessment places control in the hands of the children. Having a tangible record of what they have established eggs them on to
greater heights.

Other than the above-mentioned systems, there are also purchased record-keeping systems that lay out a good checklist. Some of
these allow one to personalize the organizer. Irrespective of the methods used, record keeping in one form or the other is
essential. Your child’s future may well depend on the well-maintained record that you have meticulously kept over the

You can find our more homeschooling record keeping ideas here.

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How to Become a Home School Teacher:

There are a few ways to become the best homeschool teacher to your kids.  The Evolution of Parents to Home School Teacher

Have you ever wished to become a teacher? Have you ever wanted to educate children with the right skills and concepts in order to survive life’s challenges?

If you are a parent and you believe in the benefits of homeschooling, then, you could be a homeschool teacher! In this way, you will not only fulfill your dreams but you are also able to fulfill and be a part of your child’s through education.

With homeschooling, you have the option to teach your own child in ways that are patterned in a particular homeschool curriculum. Hence, the learning process is not limited with the rules and regulations set by the typical school system.

In homeschooling, the parents-turned-home-school-teacher can freely incorporate the right values and knowledge that they want their child to know.

However, most parents feel that it is a great responsibility to handle their child’s education. Some even think that they are not appropriate for the role because they do not even have education units in the first place.

For a more comprehensive outlook of the issue, here is a list of some tips that you can use in order to become a good homeschool teacher:

1. Have the yearning to teach their children

It does not need some specific technical requirements in order to become a homeschool teacher. What you need to have is the yearning to teach your children. It’s your desire to let them know everything they need to know in order that they will be equipped with the right kind of knowledge.

2. Believe in your children

Teaching your children how to learn things and how to achieve something in life will all be put to waste if you will not believe that your children can definitely achieve something and be successful. In this way, you will be able to teach things that you believe your child can do very well.

3. Familiarize yourself with your children’s wants

In order to be a homeschool teacher and in order to ensure quality education, it is best that you familiarize yourself with the program itself. Try to dig deeper concerning the ins and outs of the program.

Indeed, becoming a homeschool teacher does not necessarily mean you have to do what the other teachers do in other schools because learning in a typical school is different from homeschooling. What is important is that you should have all the love and the interest to teach your children to learn things in this world.

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Can you Homeschool in College?

Recently I was reading news and this article new american caught my eyes, which talked about successful college drop outs and possible homeschooling during college years. I am sure you will find it interesting too.

What do Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg all have in common? They all dropped out of college and pursued their interest in computer technology so that today they are among the richest men in the world. They proved that a college degree is not necessary for success in our high-tech capitalist economy. But what they did have was ambition, intelligence, inventiveness, perseverance, and a total commitment to what it was they wanted to do. These facts should be of interest to homeschoolers who have reached that point in their education where they must decide whether or not to go on to college or a university. Of course, in making that decision there are a number of factors to consider. First, the individual must determine if the career he or she is pursuing requires a college degree. If your goal is to become a lawyer, nuclear engineer, marine biologist, or medical doctor, attendance at a graduate school will no doubt be necessary. Entry to a graduate school may require four years of prescribed preparation at a college. Thus, it’s wise to investigate well in advance what kind of preparation is needed. It may be possible to do a lot of the undergraduate work at home.


As many homeschoolers already know, it is no longer necessary to attend a college in order to get a degree. There are now many accredited schools that offer bachelor’s, master’s, and even law degrees by home study. Modern computer technology has made home study a very convenient and effective way to earn a degree in virtually any subject area. For example, Auburn University offers an almost totally nonresident MBA and Master of Engineering degrees in such fields as aerospace, chemistry, computer science, and industrial engineering. The courses are videoed in the classrooms and mailed or downloaded to distance students who are required to maintain the same pace of study as resident students.

Regent University at Virginia Beach, Virginia, offers a Master’s degree in business administration or management with only two weeks of attendance on campus. There is even an online university that reaches students all over the world: Kaplan University. It offers over 125 degrees. It also has learning centers around the country for those who need to sit in a classroom.

There are now about a half-dozen books on distance learning on Amazon: How to Earn a College Degree Without Going to College by James P. Duffy; Bears’ Guide to College Degrees by Mail and Internet; Bears’ Guide to the Best Computer Degrees by Distance Learning; and others. These books list hundreds of accredited educational institutions that offer home study courses leading to degrees. These include Boise State University, Brigham Young University, Colorado State University, Skidmore College, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University of Oklahoma, and many more.

There has been an explosion of educational institutions with nontraditional, off-campus programs offering degrees in just about any subject you might be interested in. And no doubt we shall see more and more such off-campus educational opportunities for several good reasons. First, it is no longer necessary to sit in a classroom in an ivy-covered building 500 miles away from home just to listen to a young instructor repeat knowledge that can be found in a textbook. Few full professors actually do any teaching anymore in person. They operate at the graduate level. For undergraduates, they may be available on a CD or DVD.

Read rest of the article here

Source: Written by Sam Blumenfeld for New American Click here for more of Sam Blumenfeld’s writing here

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Guide: Teacher’s Guide to Homeschooling

Guide: Teacher’s Guide to Effectively Administer Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a rapidly spreading alternative form of education. It practically requires nothing too stringent that even parents without a high school diploma can handle it. However, there is still the need to optimize the quality of learning. Given below are some guidelines which parents must consider before administering homeschooling.

Planning for Homeschool

Planning is essential for homeschooling to make the flow of things smoother. Plan first the location. An extra room around the house can be perfect; however, if none is available, the dining room or the living room will do fine. Just try to be sensitive to the things which can act as a distraction to the children.

Having troubles where to put all your instructional materials? Try using durable plastic bins as storage for the books, supplies, equipment and other stuff as well.

The beginning of the school year in homeschool may be quite rough in terms of the schedule. Observe which time of the day do both the pupils and the teacher work most productively, then try to create a schedule which can optimize the energy of the teacher and the attention and eagerness of the children. Also include in the schedule the amount of time allotted for each subject.

Looking Up Resources and Instructional Materials

One does not need to put too much strain on the family budget just to afford materials for homeschool instruction. There are websites which one can check out or nearby curriculum fairs which sell used books that can be used for instruction.

For science subjects which require hands-on laboratory experiments, choose only those which are deemed very necessary. One can find on the net a wealth of experiments which can be done at home using only household finds or cheap and easily available stuff.

If no curriculum is being followed, try to schedule enough topics and projects to last the whole school year. It is also important to strategically plan the sequence of the lessons. One can get tips online on which lessons to include plus the scope and the proper sequencing of lessons.

Finding the Right Curriculum

There is a wide roster of curriculum which can adapt to the needs and capabilities of the kids and the specifications of the parents. If the parents are trying to adapt one for their child, it is important to determine by which means the child learns best, by first-hand experience, listening, reading or the like.

Homeschooling is supposed to be a great educational experience for both parents and children. They should not be burdened much by the costs demanded by the program. It is for the parents to be resourceful and creative to maximize the resources and the learning of their children.

Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschooling tips

Home Schooling Subjects:

What to Teach Your Children

Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, and day after day, more parents decide to homeschool their children instead of letting them attend public schools. This may be due to countless reasons, nevertheless, home schooling isn’t any lesser than formal education.

The first dilemma that may enter a parent’s mind when he or she decides to homeschool his child is what to teach. Fortunately, some states require certain subjects to be taught to students. Colorado, for example, requires children be taught in communication skills of reading, writing and speaking, mathematics, history, science, literature, the Constitution of the United States and civics.

Different states require different subjects and different numbers of teaching hours for homeschooling; however, this should not limit the potential of homeschooling. Homeschooling is the most lenient of the schooling systems, and as long as the minimum requirements are attained, a parent shouldn’t have any problem.

One of the good points of homeschooling is the freedom to teach almost anything to your child. Parents should focus, aside from the general subjects, on things that their children are most interested in, on skills that they enjoy using, as these will be very useful to the child when he goes to face the real world.

Consequently, homeschooling need not be confined in the four walls of the house, as schooling in itself isn’t confined to the four walls of the classroom. Some parents of homeschooling children organize get-togethers and field trips with neighbors. Homeschooling doesn’t have to be an anti-social experience; rather, it should be a way to promote socialization using the parameters of the real world. There are no school rules, but the ethics of the real world apply.

There are may types of homeschooling approaches. Those most popular are structured, interest-initiated, and eclectic. Structured is more like the formal education you get at school and is probably the most formal of all approaches. The interest –initiated approach, on the contrary, focuses on real life experiences, and the children learn based on their interests. The eclectic approach makes use of a random, or chosen combination of all other approaches, depending on the family’s needs.

Indeed there are times that homeschooled children excel in socialization and communication more than formally schooled children. However, not all homeschooling is good schooling, and not all homeschooling programs are applicable to your child. This is why you, with or without professional programs, should monitor what to teach and when to teach it.

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Homeschooling Questions Answered


There are many questions who want to start homeschooling at home. Home Schooling Program: What You Need to Know to get started and frequently asked questions about homeschooling,

What is homeschooling?

– Homeschooling mostly means learning at home; this may be due to physical restrictions, emotional inhibitions or simply the parent’s want to be with his/her child. Homeschooling, no matter it’s purpose is basically the parent taking responsibility for his/her child’s education and is a totally acceptable procedure.

Is homeschooling permitted in my state?

– Yes, homeschooling is permitted in all 50 states, however, there are differences in the implementation. Most of the time, the superintendent must first be notified with the intentions of homeschooling. Each state’s regulations regarding home schooling varies, some have high, some have low, some don’t even require the parent to give notice for a child’s homeschooling.

What are the requirements for homeschooling?

– As said earlier, homeschooling varies from state to state, however, every state requires a certain qualification for the parents, a certain list of subjects to be taught, exams and other evaluation procedures, and a certain number of hours of teaching in a school year. Most of the time, if the requirements aren’t met, homeschooling is discontinued and the child gets sent to a public school.

How do you actually homeschool?

– Some parents employ a set of programs provided by qualified curriculum analysts, however, homeschooling can involve a regimented program or what they call natural learning, which is more of a hands-on experience.

Where do I get my curriculum?

– The internet is a great source, so are libraries and local homeschooling support groups. Check out our selected homeschool curriculum reviews here.

What about testing?

-Some states require a certain amount of evaluation method, not necessarily written exams. Basically tests are the decision of the parent. Presently, some actual formal education institutions are discouraging the idea of formal exams. A good rule of thumb is, if your child is discovering new things and it is apparent in his/her behavior, then that should be evaluation enough.

What about College?

– The main disadvantage of homeschooling is its lack of a diploma, since the child isn’t taught in a public school, the state cannot issue a diploma; however, some states allow parents to “make” their own diplomas to be given to the child on the day of “graduation”.  Nevertheless, homeschooled people shouldn’t find it hard to get into college or pursue higher education as many institutions, colleges and universities highly accept and sometimes even encourage the entrance of homeschooled students into their school program.

Educational Toys Homeschooling tips K12 Homeschooling

Educational Toys: Doll Houses


Creative Play Learning:

Educational Toys can be fun to just play with that dollhouse that your little girls want so they can play house. Easy let them help you build it first.
Build a Doll House:

Building a dollhouse can be fun and educational for your children giving you family time and teaching new techniques all in one. When working on their dollhouse the girls will learn to be creative, use scissors, sew, draw, glue and use a staple gun all with your assistance.

By using a large box they can draw on the door and windows, use the scissors to cut them out and making their own decisions on the window and door shapes. When they cut the doors only cut top, bottom and one side so it can be opened and shut. Suggest to them that they can add some shutters on the windows and color them in with markers.  Drawing flowers and a bush or two on the corners to dress the outside up will make an impressive creation for your child.

Once the outside is done put some carpet down on the bottom using whatever you want.  Use four pieces for the floor cut into different sizes if they want using different colors to divide the box into rooms. For the curtains on the inside glue along the top of each window and stick a piece of cloth there to hang them up and maybe cut up the center and tie them back to open the curtain gluing the tie back to each side. The house is finished inside now they have to put some furniture in it.

Involving in Decision Making:

Letting your child decide what furniture, they want and let, them glue Popsicle sticks to cardboard to make table and chairs; you can also use egg cartons to the chairs and maybe a table. Giving them assistance is great but let them be in on it.  This will help build their self-esteem and confidence especially when it is finished and they have their dream house.  Make sure the furniture is large enough for their dolls to sit or lay on. You can even use a small butter bowl for a table by turning it upside down and letting the make a tablecloth to put over it using the needle and thread to sew the hem around the bottom.

Letting the girls make their own decisions and designing it will teach them hard work is worth the effort when it is finished. If you do this as a family project, you can give them ideas and assistance teaching them to be creative.
How to unleash imagination:

Once the house is done, they can learn personal skills. Like setting, the dinner table with doll dishes that they have in their toy box stuck in the closet. They will be learning to play together giving them skills to get along and enjoy being with each other. Let them ask the little girl next door to come over and they can have a pretend tea party for the dolls, another skill learning to get along with people outside the home.

Building a dollhouse has given your girls a lot of new knowledge; they have learned to be creative, drawing, coloring with markers, and using scissors. Learning to share the same house, and the skill of getting along with other people outside the home can help your child develop social skills. They have learned to use sticky glue, using the egg cartons show them another item they can be creative with and self-esteem with confidence by having something they helped to make. Showing your child that if they want something, working for it is all in learning and having fun and getting what they want.

Click here to see types of Doll Houses

Educational Toys Homeschooling tips K12 Homeschooling

Educational Toys: Learning Through Crafts


Does your child like to draw and make things?

Try find some toys that are crafty and making things always makes them so proud if they can give to someone as a present especially.

Your children can do with crafts, which are simple, challenging, fun, inspiring them to learn new skills. They will learn coordination, how to be creative, counting, and reading to. The amount of skills they learn is depending on what they are making.

Click here to see Drawing supplies

Creative Learning through Craft Ideas:

Crafting can become a way of having fun starting at any age really; usually around age 5 is a good time to have fun with them. Start small and as they learn one thing try something else, this will give you family time.

Try weaving as a craft and if you don’t know how you can learn too. Beginner’s kits can be sold at most craft stores with all the supplies to make your project. Get two of them and both of you can learn something new together. Your child will learn how to count stitches, and reading the instruction with illustrated pictures making it easier to follow.

Weaving Craft Ideas

Make a Tick-Tack-Toe game so they can learn to recognize the X’s and O’s. They’ll learn that losing is all that bad when having fun after they made it themselves. At the fabric store get a piece of felt material and with a maker draw you boxes on it. Get some colored cardstock and draw some X’s and O’s to let your child cut out this will teach your child how to use paper scissors.  Cover the cardstock with clear contact paper. The game is done and now your child will learn to play a new game.

Paint the Wild Nature Tic-tac-toe Kit By Balitono

How about Make a Plate Kit is a fun way to let your child make something for the table or a gift to give grandma. Your child will learn to draw picture and learn colors. Let them do the drawing and sent it to the company and they will mail it back on a plate safe to eat off.  They’ll be so proud when they can eat off their own plate that they made.  Your child will learn the gift of giving if it is given to Grandma.

Toysmith 4M Plate Painting Kit #3512

Creativity for Young Ones:
Teach your children age 5 through 6 how to make potholders. Let them be creative by mixing their own colors together and coordination is being used here as well. They’ll love it when they see mom using it at the stove.

Harrisville Designs Potholder Deluxe

Teaching your child to tell time is a fun project for them to make and learn. Get a cheap clock and take the top off. Remove the clock hands so you can get the plain backing off.  Let them cut out 12 pictures of different animal and let the glue the animals next to the numbers. This is teaching your child how to use scissors; they will learn how to use glue and can learn to tell time with the pictures or by the numbers. When the project is done hang it up in their room just for them. Now you can teach your child how to tell time at the age of 4 instead of 5.

Telling Time Flannelboard Figures Flannelboard Lesson Set – Kit

How about suncatchers that are cute and cheap to make. Let your child glue 2 old CD’s together and decorate one side of it.  You can buy different foam shapes at the craft store to glue on. Let your child be creative at making flowers, sun faces, or fish even.  This will teach them to make the decision of what they one to make for the face, putting colors together, and how to use glue. Glue a piece of yarn, string or fishing line of the back to hang it up in the window.

Suncatcher Group Activity Kit, Construction 12/Pkg

Check out all arts and craft activities and kit here.

Image source: Amazon

Educational Toys Homeschooling tips K12 Homeschooling

Educational Toys: Learning Through Computer Games


Computer Games in Educational Toys

Educational Toys are everywhere that toys are sold. Technology is growing more every day and so is the toy selection even for adults. We are never too young or old to learn new skills and use the ones we have.

When looking for a toy for someone no matter what age or occupation be sure that it is something to give him or her a challenge. A new born needs to learn sounds in order to talk; and older person needs to manage what they already know and at the same time might be able to learn something new.

Online Learning: Educational Game Software For Kids

Computer games are very high rated in all aspects. You can get on the Internet and find educational games in different categories by age or subject. Using the computer is a learning process and a challenge itself for some of us, playing games with it is a challenge by controlling the mouse or beating the clock. Laptop computers for the 2 year old is a huge challenge and learning experience for them as well. On line computers games come in a wide variety; using skills, your brain, learn the tricks of the challenge, and coordination with it. There are a lot of spelling games on line to keep us all in practice using our word skills.

Web sites online especially for the children is a good way to let them learn to use mom and dad’s computer. Learning is the name of the game and here they will find many new and fun games for them to try out before buying. These sites will teach you child new skills, and new challenges. You can find math, word, history, and science different cat orgies by age for them to play while they are getting computer experience too.

Learning toys can help all of us in many different ways. The children can have fun, challenging their skills and making improvements, learning new skills to prepare them for the future.

Benefits of Educational Computer Games Toy:

As an older person, we can learn and improve our skills that we now have and there is always room for improvement. Games will keep our minds sharper, and it can help with our health as well by keeping our brains working. Playing games can help relieve stress that could lead into depression too.

Computers come in a wide selection, so nowadays you can purchase a real computer that matches your child’s needs. Otherwise, you can go online to find the educational child laptops, which is ideal for young children in the age group 2 and up.

Children can learn from the educational computer toys offered on the market today as well. When buying a laptop for your child to learn with check this out some laptops can even hook up to a printer. Be sure you have an age range when buying you want something to give them a head start but say in their group. You can advance to a higher level of laptop as your child advances.

Most laptops designed for children today offer a wide arrange of games to choose from. Some laptops or computers give your child access to the Internet, which allows them to go online and challenge other people online.

If you have a young infant you can find computers online that offer your child learning tools, yet it runs from batteries instead of electric. Various resources online offer a wide arrange of educational toys, so go on now and check out the offers available to you.

Click here to see Educational Game Software For Kids

Most educational toys today are affordable making it worthwhile to check out varieties and perhaps buy your child several toys to help him or her learn.

Image Source: Amazon Computer Product