Homeschooling tips

How To Answer Well Meaning People About Homeschooling

One of the dreaded thing do once you convince yourself, your spouse and children about homeschooling is answering to your well meaning family or friends about your decision. Homeschooling gets bad rap sometimes in news and other media that no wonder people are confused. While there are bad parents who may misuse homeschooling to hide their neglect and abuse, there are lot of good parents who homeschool their children for actually educating their children. It is same way there are lot of bad and good public school parents too. How you educate your child has personal choice, as long as they are learning, and have a well growing and social skills to grow in well adjusted adults.

How to Tell Friends and Family about Your Homeschooling Choice?

So, how do you answer questions from family and friends about your decision to homeschool without being judged and without argument and feeling guilt in either sides. Follow this 3 tips to share your decision about homeschooling that makes you and them feel good;

1. Tell them homeschooling is legal

Homeschooling is legal in America, Canada and many other countries. For more details see our homeschooling resources for individual state or country of your choice. Making sure what you doing is legal, will comfort your well meaning friends and family in your choice of homeschooling. If they need more convincing you can show them HSLDA website for official information for re-assurance.

Just make sure you follow the right process to register your private school, go through public school or private school independent study program or whatever specific process for your local state is. File those paper work in times, gather vaccinations or proper forms from your pediatrician and all requirements, attendance and proper records and grade for your child just to be in legal side.

2.  Tell Them Many historical and famous people were and are homeschooled

There has been many famous past presidents, novelists, scientists have been homeschooled. There are also current celebrities and famous intellectuals are homeschooling their kids in today’s world. Current president hopeful Rick Santorum believes and homeschools his kids, will smith’s kids are being homeschooled.

Read or send them our famous homeschoolers article to see how many famous, successful and smart people have done homeschooling and it worked for them and it will work for you and your children too.

3. College actually want Homeschoolers

One of the big problem many well wisher friends and family with homeschooling is that the child may not be able to go to prestigious college, or become a doctor or an engineer. Assure them that many ivy league and other colleges actually want and look for homeschooling graduates in thier colleges. Your child can become a doctor, president, engineer or whoever he/she wants to be even when he/she is homeschooled.

I have seen it personally many homeschooler really sought after in colleges, and some actually starting a college at earlier age such as 14 due to being already ahead in education. But you do not have to take my word for it, you can see article here for homeschooler really wanted by colleges or do search on yahoo yourself to share it with friends and families.

Answering Homeschooling Questions Help Sources:

But What About Socialization? Answering the Perpetual Home Schooling Question: A Review of the Literature

Homeschooling the Child with Autism: Answers to the Top Questions Parents and Professionals Ask

So – WHY Do You Homeschool?

Asking Questions, Finding Answers: A Parent’s Journey Through Homeschooling


Many well meaning friends and family question and concern may seem annoying but if you truly look it, they have child’s welfare at heart to make sure he or she is succeds in education and finds a good job or career to support himself or herself when adult. Once thier concerns are answered properly, they will see it homeschooling as choice in education just as you do. And having right support from friends and families is always better than not having any.

Homeschool Curriculum Homeschool News Homeschooling tips K12 Homeschooling

Online Charter Homeschool is Growing

There are more and more people are homeschooling through charter school and now online education charter school to teach their kids at home. Online schooling has many benefits and some issues. Not everyone agrees, if that is a good thing or not. As debate for online charter school increases among parents, only you can tell if it works for your and your family. We like many family, use some online class, some in classroom classes and some subjects are taught at home with right homeschooling curriculum.

 Source: NY Times

Half a million American children take classes online, with a significant group, like the Weldies, getting all their schooling from virtual public schools. The rapid growth of these schools has provoked debates in courtrooms and legislatures over money, as the schools compete with local districts for millions in public dollars, and over issues like whether online learning is appropriate for young children.

One of the sharpest debates has concerned the Weldies’ school in Wisconsin, where last week the backers of online education persuaded state lawmakers to keep it and 11 other virtual schools open despite a court ruling against them and the opposition of the teachers union. John Watson, a consultant in Colorado who does an annual survey of education that is based on the Internet, said events in Wisconsin followed the pattern in other states where online schools have proliferated fast.

“Somebody says, ‘What’s going on, does this make sense?’ ” Mr. Watson said. “And after some inquiry most states have said, ‘Yes, we like online learning, but these are such new ways of teaching children that we’ll need to change some regulations and get some more oversight.’ ”

Two models of online schooling predominate. In Florida, Illinois and half a dozen other states, growth has been driven by a state-led, state-financed virtual school that does not give a diploma but offers courses that supplement regular work at a traditional school. Generally, these schools enroll only middle and high school students.

At the Florida Virtual School, the largest Internet public school in the country, more than 50,000 students are taking courses this year. School authorities in Traverse City, Mich., hope to use online courses provided by the Michigan Virtual School next fall to educate several hundred students in their homes, alleviating a classroom shortage.

The other model is a full-time online charter school like the Wisconsin Virtual Academy. About 90,000 children get their education from one of 185 such schools nationwide. They are publicly financed, mostly elementary and middle schools.

Many parents attracted to online charters have previously home-schooled their children, including Mrs. Weldie. Her children — Isabel, Harry and Eleanor, all in elementary school — download assignments and communicate intermittently with their certified teachers over the Internet, but they also read story books, write in workbooks and do arithmetic at a table in their basement. Legally, they are considered public school students, not home-schoolers, because their online schools are taxpayer-financed and subject to federal testing requirements.

Despite enthusiastic support from parents, the schools have met with opposition from some educators, who say elementary students may be too young for Internet learning, and from teachers, unions and school boards, partly because they divert state payments from the online student’s home district.

Other opposition has arisen because many online charters contract with for-profit companies to provide their courses. The Wisconsin academy, for example, is run by the tiny Northern Ozaukee School District, north of Milwaukee, in close partnership with K12 Inc., which works with similar schools in 17 states.

The district receives annual state payments of $6,050 for each of its 800 students, which it uses to pay teachers and buy its online curriculum from K12.

Saying he suspected “corporate profiteering” in online schooling, State Senator John Lehman, a Democrat who is chairman of the education committee, last month proposed cutting the payments to virtual schools to $3,000 per student. But during legislative negotiations that proposal was dropped.

See source and full article here: NY Times

Online curriculum has its benefits and issues. Many homeschooler and public school teacher use combination of online curriculum to use 100% online schooling or supplement their educational process. If you choose online curriculum, make sure it is from reputable company with options to change curriculum choices just in case it does not work with your child’s learning style.

Check out:

Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning

Engaging the Online Learner: Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction

How do you educate your child at home?

Fun Learning K12 Homeschooling

Tips For Raising Tadpoles


Image source: Our Class Web

Once you have tadpoles from either friend’s pond or from a pet store, you have to know more about general care of taking care of tadpoles. As you have seen it in how to raise tadpoles, here are more tips about general care taking instructions. Without taking proper care tadpoles can die.

Image source:Tadpole Habitat

You can use any good size container for your tadpoles such as;

Other thing to consider are that make sure keep container in

  • Either outside if weather is good but make sure the container has 3/4 shades
  • Can keep them inside with proper lighting
  • Keep them in shallow water
  • Place rocks and smooth gravels can be added at bottom
  • As tadpole matures, it will need a space to get out of the water, so add large stone or submerged wood so it can come out. Remember frogs are amphibian, that means they will need to leave close to water but need to comes out on land as well.
  • Provide shade, aquatic plants and smooths stones for tadpoles to hide and feel secure inside the container. Feeling safe and secure is also important part of raising the tadpoles.
  • Many tadpoles do better with leafy underwater plants according to many tadpole expert sources so use those.

Type of Water to Use:

Always use fresh, spring water without any chlorine. Tap water that most house have has chlorine and it is deadly for tadpoles.

  • Use de-chlorine bottle in tap water. You can let the water sit overnight before using it.
  • Many pet stores, online stores sell it and are inexpensive.
  • Or you can let tap water sit under Sun for 4-5 days to get rid of chlorine before using it inside the container.
  • Water may need changing every week or so, depending on the size of the container.
  • Always take out about 1/3 of original water and keep 2/3 of the old water when replacing with new fresh spring water. As changing 100% water does not go well with most tadpoles.
  • There are also ready made kit available for raising tadpoles kit at home which may be easier for your child and you.

What to feed the tadpoles:

Tadpoles diet depends on type of species they might be. It is often hard to tell what type of frog the tadpoles are until they matures, sometimes you will know the type of species. Regardless of the type of species knowledge, it is generally assumed that majority of tadpoles are herbivores or vegetarians.

  • Frozen leafy lettuce such as romaine or spinach are best option. Just freeze them and crumble and feed them.
  • Some experts suggest boiling the lettuce or spinach to feed them, that will work as well, but boiling will reduce some of its nutrients, so some people suggest just using frozen leaves, as it will be mushy enough for them to chew and eat.
  • You can buy tadpole food, or fish food or crushed algae tablet to feed the tadpoles as well.
  • Feed small amount daily.
  • If your tadpoles seemed to be always on top layers usually means they do not have enough food so give them more.
  • If water becomes muddy or dirty fast, either they are getting too much food or you have not changed the water in a while. See above to see how to change the water tips. (change 1/3 at the time only)
  • Tadpole can stay without water for sometimes but do not keep them too much away from water or hold it your hand.
  • Always clean your hand before handling feeding, changing the water for them

Tadpoles to Frog Process:

Changing from tadpole to frog process, the metamorphosis is simply amazing to see. Depending on type of species, tadpoles can turn in to frog in a few weeks (6 to 8 weeks), while some species have known to take up to 2 years for the metamorphosis from tadpole to frog. Knowing what species you are raising will make process much easier. If you do not know, have patience, eventually it will happen for sure.

How the change happens:

Usually toward the end of tadpole life cycle, you will see tadpole getting back legs. It will start with back legs and they will form front legs in next step.

There will be more changes such as body shapes, loss of gill, lung getting developed and digestive changes will occur this time too. What it means for most tadpoles to frog change is their diet will change form herbivore to carnivore diet.  They will also lose a tail around this time. Many tadpoles will eat very little when they are going through this metamorphosis so there is nothing to worry about if you see they have lost their appetite.

Once the tadpoles starts getting legs and losing tails, it is a great idea to make water more shallow and give them stone of wood perch for them to land on. As without their gills they may simply drown if they do not have place to land on solid surface, so place some large smooth stone, wood etc for them. Some species may need to be removed from water completely once tail is gone, so if you get it from store, friend try to find out about type of species as much as you can so you can care for them better.

What to feed the frogs? Feed the newly developed froglets small crickets, fruit flies, bloodworms, and other small insect and invertebrate foods.

Can you release frogs in to fresh water pond or lake?

If you tadpole/frog species is non native (find out from frog book or internet), it is recommended that you do not release them in to native area as it might create an issue with native species. So, you should create a area in large aquarium or back yard pond to keep and raise them.

If you have native tadpoles and frog species, it can be released in pond or lake. If you decide to release them, do it as soon as possible after metamorphosis such that they will have a best chance to adapt in to the wild in lake or pond area.

 Related Articles:

 How to Raise Tadpoles

Learning About Tadpoles

Where to get Tadpoles


Fun Learning K12 Homeschooling

How To Raise Tadpoles

Image: Tadpoles

Raising tadpoles can be fun and educational for kids, as they will get to see life cycle from tadpoles to frog. Before you start, here are a few things to know so you can successfully raise tadpoles at home. This article shows how to raise tadpole, if you want to know more details about tadpole raising, how to feed and what type of container and feeding needed please check out our other article, Detailed Caring tips for Raising Tadpoles.

Things to know before you raise tadpoles:

  1. In order to raise tadpoles, you’ll need a suitable container, like an aquarium, fishbowl, or garden pond. You can start in glass jar at home too.
  2. Tadpoles likes shade and avoid direct Sun. Be sure it has good shade – about 3/4 shade is ideal for them.
  3. Tadpoles absolutely depend on having fresh, clean water. Chlorine is deadly to tadpoles!If you take the water from a local stream, creek or pond, be sure it isn’t polluted. Ideally, you can get it upstream from any suspected sources like factories, sewers, etc.
  4. If using tap water, let it stand exposed to full sunlight for 5 to 7 days. This will allow the Chlorine to be removed by evaporation.
  5. If you don’t have that much time, you can buy de-chlorinating drops at your local fish-carrying pet store.
  6. You can get also ready made tadpole raising kit available which has everything you will need to get started.

What do I feed tadpoles?

Frog and toad tadpoles are vegetarians, (unlike the tadpoles of newts and salamanders), and are very easy to feed.

They seemed to love lettuce! You can boil the lettuce for 10 to 15 minutes, drain it, and keep it in a baggie in the freezer. Give the tadpoles a pinch every few days. you can also give them water reptiles food sometimes, but not instead of lettuce! You can feed them tadpole or fish food as well.

Other thing to know is that tadpoles of some toads and frogs can morph from placid plant eaters to fierce cannibals if their pools threaten to run dry or if food is scarce. By becoming meat eaters that snack on other tadpoles, the cannibals speed up their development, hoping to transform into toads before the water or food run out. so be sure to feed them enough! But don’t forget, too much food will get the water all dirty.

If your water gets dirty really fast, slow down on the feeding, and be sure to replace the dirty water with some fresh spare water.

How long will it take from Tadpole to become Frog?

The length of time a tadpole takes to develop really depends on what kind of frog it came from and on the environmental conditions. some tadpoles can remain in their tadpole stage as long as 8 months, while others only take 6 to 9 weeks! So be patience. Some species of frog have known to slow down process during colder climate. You can read kids A Tadpole Grows Up (Scholastic News Nonfiction Readers: Animal Life Cycles) for easy to show the transformation and life cycle as it happens.

When the tadpoles start getting close to developing legs, they will need some sort of perch so they can get out of the water. You can create ledges using stones or even tilting slopes of plastic in tanks.

At the point where they aren’t big enough to eat crickets but are too large to eat lettuce, you can try starting them off with small insects. A good substitute is blood worms which are usually found in pet stores that carry fish.

The tilt of the ledge may be important depending on what type of frog you have. Young tree frogs can climb smooth vertical surfaces such as the plastic pond liners and glass, but the ground dwelling frogs will need a rough slope when the time comes to climb out of the water.

Related Articles:

Learning About Tadpoles

Where to get Tadpoles

Tips for Raising Tadpoles

Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

Mythbuster: How to Motivate Your Child To Learn


Education does not have be boring for anyone, otherwise learning does not happen!

All of us learn new things when we are having fun, and schooling is no different. Many Indian and other parents start teaching kids at home way before preschool age. When I teach or share knowledge with younger kids, they are like sponge, they absorb everything and naturally curious about things. Somehow many kids and adults lose that natural curiosity as we grow older and we focus on getting scores or passing instead of learning.

7 Ways to Motivate Learning:

Here are 7 ways I have found to motivate learning in a child (or an adult). These tips are written with homeschooling child in mind, but I am sure it will be applicable to public or private school going child as well. While, my experience is teaching younger kids, I hope these tips will work for teenager’s education as well.

1.  Do Not Compare:

Comparing your child with another child of same age might be tempting but it will not flourish the young mind. All kids and adults have unique talents and we all work at our own pace. It will not matter if 7 year friend’s child knows how to read piano music or 4 year old neighbor kids can ride bike without training wheel. Kids learn best when they are ready to learn. That is what Sadbury method or Jiddu Krishnamurthy methods have been working for many kids.

2. Competition Free Education:

We are always pitted against our peers to compete in many subjects since we are born. Schools and colleges are big examples for it with grades or being best student. There is no win win situation as there can be only ONE person who can be 1st, rest of kids may feel dejected. While healthy competition can bring out the best in some kids, in majority time, competition kills the enthusiasm, specially for someone who keeps being second best. Learning is a process and it should be treated as a result.

3.  Memorization is not Real Learning:

Many educational system may encourages memorization and while kids seems intelligent, most kids forget what they memorized during summer break. Any memorization without real understanding will not take deep root of understanding, and hence will not remember what they have learned tomorrow. I am one of these prime example of it as I do not recall what I have learned in my engineering classes but I do recall what I truly understood things and had interest in it. If you have passion for something, you will retain the knowledge much longer.

4. Rewards for Simple Tasks are not needed:

Our current educational system is quick to punish and quick to give rewards for small achievement. Many experts think they are actually hindering the learning process and I agree. Giving Physical reward is different then showing encouragement to a child. When a child is shown a reward of food or new toy, learning is not goal but finishing the task to get a reward becomes the main goal and learning stop. Our mind is like a parachute, it works only when it is open. Child should learn something because there is an interest in it, not because of the reward.

5. Do not blame child for failing:

When a child has failed in learning new concept or old one, do not blame him or her. Do not even blame system. Try to find out the root cause of the failed issue. You may want to step back and take a break or see it from new perspective. Sometimes, child may have certain way to learning style that may be different from teacher’s teaching style. We all learn different way such as some learn better by visually seeing, some learn best for listening the step by step process and some of us learn best by actually trying our hands on it. Find out your child’s learning style. There might be some other issues or simple things that may make understanding the subject easier. Before you blame anyone, try to find the main cause and fix it and love and joy of learning will be back in the child.

6. Learning does not have to be expensive:

Many Asian Indian and other education minded parents spend fortune on kid’s private school, software, special tutoring programs and books. One does not have to spend lot of money for learning to happen. There are lot of free to cheap resources such as public library, PBS station, a few online websites and daily living can be part of learning.

For example, young kids can be taught colors when you fold your laundry, you can point out colors. Teaching shapes is easy as our own home or apartment have furniture, door, clock in various shape. Talking to grandparents or neighbor can make kids and us learn things from different time. My kids learn old mythical stories from his grandparents. Learning can happen anywhere, anytime. It is not confined to school or 9-3 time. There are many ways to finance your education if you are homeschooling or supplementing public school education.

7. Non Traditional Ways of Teaching and Learning:

My mom was a teacher and writer so she taught us at home, when we came from school and learning happened without us knowing that it was education. Learning happens when are having fun. For example, if your young child loves only cars, how can you teach math, history and science with it? It is possible, and it is called Unit Studies. In Car unit studies, you can learn history by learning and reading about early transportation such as first car, you can add cars or take away cars game to teach math. You can teach colors by different colors of cars. Science can be taught by if metal cars sinks and plastic car sinks or not for younger children. For older children, one can learn how car engine works to teach science or technology.

If you or your older child likes Harry Potter then there are Unit studies ideas for that also, such as here.

Keep Learning! and Keep it Fun!

Your Turn: How do you keep yourself or your child motivated to learn new things?

This was originally posted at Heart and Mind blog by Zengirl, it is reproduced with permission here. Source: 7 ways to motivate learning:

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No Child Left Behind Is Leaving Many Children Behind

President Bush signing the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act at Hamilton H.S. in Hamilton, Ohio. Image source: Wikipedia
Although, I am homeschooling my kindergartner and toddler, I keep eye on public education system in US for two reasons, some of my relatives, and friends are currently teacher in school system and it reminds me how much that how homeschooling education is much better for many parents. Now, I am not saying private school or homeschooling are without issues, as I have written in past does homeschooling magnify the family issues and How to avoid Burnout When Homeschooling, I am well aware that grass may seem greener on other side. However, in homeschooling, parent have much more leeway and control compared to public system, where many working parents are not even aware of all the issues because the way whole system is set up.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) is a United States Act of Congress concerning the education of children in public schools. It is known in short form NCLB was originally proposed by the administration of George W. Bush immediately after he took office in January 2001. The bill received overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress and lot of funding. While it was supposed to be leaving “no child behind”, many educators since have shown issues with this no child left behind act.

It has been over 10 years since the Act and Since enactment, Congress increased federal funding of education from $42.2 billion in 2001 to $54.4 billion in 2007. Funding tied to NCLB received a 40.4% increase from $17.4 billion in 2001 to $24.4 billion. The funding for reading quadrupled from $286 million in 2001 to $1.2 billion.

What is No Child Left Behind Act?

No Child Left Behind requires all government-run schools receiving federal funding to administer a state-wide standardized test annually to all students. This means that all students take the same test under the same conditions. The students’ scores determine whether the school has taught the students well. Schools which receive Title I funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 must make Adequate Yearly Progress in test scores.

In theory and test, it seems that everything is supposed to make education and testing for children better, however, reality has shown different picture than it was painted.

According to Science Daily, No Child Left Behind has created following issuess;

  • Losses of low-achieving students help raise school ratings under the accountability system.
  • The accountability system allows principals to hold back students who are deemed at risk of reducing the school’s scores; many students retained this way end up dropping out.
  • The test scores grouped by race single out the low-achieving students in these subgroups as potential liabilities to the school ratings, increasing incentives for school administrators to allow those students to quietly exit the system.
  • The accountability system’s zero tolerance rules for attendance and behavior, which put youth into the court system for minor offenses and absences, alienate students and increase the likelihood they will drop out.

There has been a study done on NCLB and you can view and learn more about it. The study has been published in the peer-reviewed policy journal “Educational Policy Analysis Archives” and is the first research to track the impact of high-stakes accountability on students, employing individual student-level data over a multi-year period. The study can be viewed at

Recently Karen King from Yahoo Contributor Network has written following;

An Associated Press report examines the ups and downs of the No Child Left Behind initiative 10 years after the program’s inception. The intent of No Child Left Behind was a good one. The goals were to increase the accountability of teachers and schools and to track student progress with the aim of improving learning for all students in the public school system.

The Bush administration introduced the plan advocating a federal role in enforcing guidelines for local and state governments to follow regarding education. The initiative was met with bi-partisan support. No one could deny that public schools were struggling and that there were achievement gaps along economic and racial divides.

The success of No Child Left Behind is, at minimum, a mixed bag. School districts claim arbitrary standards and funding contingent upon standardized testing results have tied their hands and left them with little flexibility to adapt to the specific needs of their students and communities.

Some teachers believe the strict focus on standardized testing has forced them to “teach to the test” and spend inordinate classroom time conditioning students to spit out the correct answers on tests verses a better rounded curriculum.

Since No Child Left Behind began, there have been significant gains in math scores for fourth and eighth graders, with African American and Hispanic students improving approximately two grade levels. However little change has been seen in reading scores and scores overall seem to have plateaued. There is still a marked discrepancy between the test scores of African American and Hispanic students and those of White students.

As with any initiative, the vested parties need to have input into the feasibility of the program and in the way the system is implemented, while maintaining accountability on the part of program participants. Are we meeting students’ needs? Are we funding schools sufficiently? Are there checks and balances to be sure children are not left behind? How should education programs be assessed and regulated, and by whom? Should education funding be linked to performance?

While much ado is being made of failures in our educational system, there are many schools that are doing amazingly well. Why not do a better job of examining the models of these outstanding schools and share their methods with other schools?

Education is arguably one of the most important issues facing our society today. Our economic, global and social success depends on our ability to produce competitively educated workers and leaders. Considering the fact that The Alliance for Excellent Education reports that about 7,000 students drop out of school every school day, the U.S. is clearly a long way from a passing grade in education.

Source: Yahoo Contributor Network

The problem is not public school teachers, it is the way the system has been set up, it leaves teacher and students who very much need the help are getting left behind. While ago, Times Magazine also written a article on how to fix No Life Left Behind, as this issue needs much more closer look, so that kids are in public school gets the right help and education just like many others in homeschooling or private school community.

Check out further:

The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education

No Child Left Behind? The Politics and Practice of School Accountability

No Child Left Behind? The True Story of a Teacher’s Quest

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Where To Get The Best Homeschool Curriculum Packages


By Jared Wright

If you’re new with home schooling education, finding the right homeschooling curriculum package for your child can be a bit of a challenge. Before you find the right homeschooling programs for your child, assess your kid first. Know his level of learning and all his learning needs. You may find that these particular education resources may be okay for him and this one is not. Assessment is indeed key to the success of homeschooling.

Internet is an extensive place to find the right curriculum package for you child. Try to be meticulous however as not to force your child into a curriculum is not approppriate for him. Certainly, the best homeschool curriculum packages are Customized for your child based on his learning needs. This include his learning capabilities, needs, and desires. Consequently, it will motivate, challenge and enrich your child’s learning experience.

However, if for some reasons you do not want to customize your child homeschool education, you may opt for pre package homeschool curriculum. This means that you just have to choose from the package choices available for preschool, high school and so on and so forth. Moreover, you may alternate subjects also, again depending on your personal and your child’s preference.

What does a Homeschool Curriculum Package includes? In a homeschool curriculum package, it often includes, but is not limited to the Teacher Materials as well as the Students Materials. In the former, expect to see manuals, teacher editions and keywords answers and the like. On the other hand, the latter include text books, worksheets and work books.

Tips on Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum Package:

Before you purchase a homeschool curriculum package online or from your local stores, you may check these tips to guide you in choosing a home school program for your child.

First, you need to know your child’s current condition. Determine your child’s learning needs and your short term and long term goals. Assess your child if you’ll be homeschooling a child for a year or more. In addition, know if you want to teach your child according to the Christian philosophy, another faith or secular.

Second, try to discover your core values. Understanding your core values as well as your child would greatly influence your homeschool curriculum choices. Find out your views on education, your role on your child’s education, your child’s responsibilities and even what success means to you.

Third, be at ease with one or more of the home schooling methods. Don’t give up that easily and try not to change methods every now and then. You’ll know what fits you and your child because the right one would show your core values mentioned earlier. Here are some of popular home schooling methods or approach that you may adapt: Literature or Textbooks, Self-teaching, Unit Study, Principle Approach and Delight Directed.

Fourth, select your home school curriculum and make adjustment. Do not let the product of someone else’s core values become a hindrance for your child to be successful. Don’t waste time with what you don’t need.

Finally, do not overstress yourself and your child. Remember that homeschooling should be fun and a memorable time for you and your child.

Finding the best homeschooling programs? Look no more. We have fantastic information on where to find the best homeschooling curriculum at our site. Visit us online today.

Homeschooling Tips and Our Best Homeschooling Curriculum Packages Choices

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7 Lies About Homeschooling



Image source: Sing, Spell, Read and Write  from Homeschool Curriculum

In time that I am homeschooling my kids about 3 years, I have heard many misconceptions and lies about homeschooling from media, well meaning but un-informed people. I am sure if you are homeschooling your kids or a homeschooler student, you may have heard many myths of these yourself, such as;

1. Is homeschooling legal? : Yes it is.
2. What do you do all day? : Study, play, meet other homeschoolers, relax, read, build things
3. Homeschooling kids will not survive in “real” world outside. : Yes, they do see : famous homeschooler you did not know.
4. homeschoolers live sheltered life. – I guess they kind of do.
5. Homeschooling kids do not dress up nicely: Yes, they may miss out on designer stuff.. and it is a good thing
6. Homeschooler are all conservative Christians: Yes many Christian are homeschooler but there are many other religious and non religious people do homeschooling also
7. Homeschooling kids have no social life: With many park days and field trip choices, social issue is last thing we have to worry about

Check out: Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe

There are of course many more myths about homeschooling and homeschooling curriculum, religion people may have; I found such a cool video from a real nice kid name Jordon who was homeschooled and now he is in college; Here is one funny, level headed guy. Watch the video yourself below;

7 Lies about Homeschooling Video

Your turn: Have you been asked such myths and lies for homeschooling? Share with us

Fun Learning K12 Homeschooling

Where To Get Tadpoles

Tadpole Kit

One of the great way to learn about frog life cycle is to raise tadpoles at home. Until recently I did not know how popular raising tadpole was for many kids. It is fun, educational and if done right, easy enough if you follow a few tips. One of the big thing I get always asked is, where to get tadpoles? As many of us live in big cities, finding tadpoles is not always easy. But it does not have to be complicated if you just know where to look and ask. You can find various type of tadpole raising kit that will make your starting out easier, it does not have to be expensive but right tools and food so that you can raise life properly.

Finding tadpoles is easy, but gathering them can be a challenge sometimes. Never remove tadpoles from public areas such as parks, refuges or conservation areas. Ponds, small lakes and creeks are ideal places to catch tadpoles with a small mesh net. Always ask permission on private property. Don’t collect more tadpoles than your tank or aquarium can comfortably hold and never collect more than a few. Most important, know how to take care of tadpoles before you collect them.

Here are a few possible ways to get Tadpoles for seeing life cycle of frogs.

  1. First of all, if you live near creek, lake where you see frogs, that might be a good place to start getting tadpoles. Just make sure it is safe and legal for you to take tadpoles from lake area.
  2. Other thing to do is ask someone you know who might have many frogs in their large yard, they very well have hundreds of tadpoles and can share some with you.
  3. What to do, if you live where there are no creeks, lakes or people with ponds that have tadpoles? Do not worry, there are still a few ways to get tadpoles from online places or local pet stores.

Here are some choices from online places:

Grow Frog Kits

Frog Kits

Planet Frog

Other Frog and Tadpole related Products:

Alex Toys Rock Pets Paint Kit, Garden Frog

Midwest Products Mosaic Frog Stepping Stone kit

Related articles

Learning About Tadpoles
General caring tips about raising Tadpoles
How to raise Tadpoles


Raising tadpole from MDC online
Homeschool Curriculum Homeschool Parenting Tips Homeschool-Family Homeschooling tips

What To Do For Field Trip Ideas


Image Source:Kid travel

My kids learn a lot when we travel, and as a parent and teacher, I love the aspect of finding new ways to teach new things in fun way. Field trip are local or far away travel vacation that are educational as well as they are fun for all.

Here are some free and cheap Field Trip Ideas for every parent.

Here are a few more free and frugal field trip ideas:

  • local restaurant
  • Post Office
  • Camping
  • The City Building
  • Local Manufacturing Plant
  • Car Dealership
  • Restaurant or Pizza Place
  • Visit a sports team
  • Animal Shelter
  • Veterinarian
  • Recycling Center or County Dump
  • Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen or Local Ministry
  • Newspaper
  • Nursing Home
  • 9-1-1 Call Center
  • Rock Quarry
  • Courthouse
  • Waste Treatment Plant
  • State Park
  • Fish Hatchery
  • A Jeweler
  • Tree Farm
  • Seasonal Fruit Farm
  • National Park or Battlefield
  • Historical Landmarks or Structures
  • Bee Keeper
  • Hardware Store
  • State Highway Patrol
  • Your State Capital
  • A Local Artist’s Studio
  • Manufacturing Plants
  • Local Craft Store classes
  • Historical Homes,
  • Churches, Temple etc
  • Beach
  • Museums
  • Lake, River
  • Farm
  • Aquarium
  • Petting zoo
  • Hay Rides
  • Gardens
  • Hiking
  • Bird Watching
  • National Parks
  • Theme Park
  • Visiting relatives
  • Other culture and Countries
  • Train Rides
  • Boat Ride
  • Road Trips
  • Visiting work place of relative
  • Skiing
  • Planetarium
  • Science Museums
  • Local Fair
  • Food Festivals
  • Harvest Festivals

Okay only stopping thing is your imagination as you can see, kids and parents can have lot of learning opportunities. Some of the field trip activities may not be free or cheap but most of them are. You do not have to spend a lot of money to have fun or teach your kids through field trip.

Further Information check out:

Weird U.S.: A Freaky Field Trip Through the 50 States

The A to Z Guide to Home School Field Trips

Ten-Minute Field Trips, Third Edition : Good old fashioned outdoor field trip

Out of the Classroom and into the World: Learning from Field Trips, Educating from Experience, and Unlocking the Potential of Our Students and Teachers


Did I miss any ideas? How do you plan your field trips with kids?

This is from site Travel Ideas with kids . As a homeschooling family, we do lot of learning through museum, field trip travel that are fun, with hands on experience that kids enjoy exploring and learn by doing. My kids look forward to such a hand on experience and learn a lot.

Source: Fun Field Trip Ideas